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Henry took Hampton Court Palace from Cardinal Wolsey in 1528, and resided at the palace, on and off until August of 1546.

When Henry died, in 1547, he owned more than 60 homes (palaces, manors, and castles.) Throughout his reign, Henry used many of his homes but Hampton Court Palace was his favorite, and where he resided, most of the time, until shortly before his death.

He died at Whitehall Palace.

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Q: How long did Henry VIII live in Hampton Court?
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When was The Six Wives of Henry VIII Live at Hampton Court Palace created?

The Six Wives of Henry VIII Live at Hampton Court Palace was created on 2009-05-02.

Why did Henry VIII live in Hampton court?

Because it was made the official home of the rulers of England halfway through Henry VIII's reign and remained one of the official homes until the mid-18th century.

Who first lived in Hampton court palace?

Thomas Wolsey, the later Cardinal was the first to live in Hampton Court Palace, he had acquired preceeding buildings and built the Palace complex itself. After his fall from grace and shortly before his death he lost the Palace to King Henry VIII..

Where did King Henry VIII live?

Henry had many palaces which he lived in; these included Greenwich (where he was born), Richmond and many others.Henry VIII's primary residence later became Hampton Court Palace, but Henry lived in a number of palaces including the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Eltham Palace, St James Palace, Westminster Palace, and occasionally Dover castle.Windsor Castle & Hampton Court Whitehall, Richmond, Hampton Court only after he acquired it from Wolsey. His favourite home was Greenwich, then spelled Grenewich. He loved it there and kept the royal barge moored there so he could use the Thames to travel back and forth.More information can be found in a forthcoming book, I Diced With God ... the life of Henry VIII which will answer all these questions and many more. Look out for it this summer.

Who used to live in Hampton court Palace?

even though Cardinal Wolsey built Hampton court no one actuly lived in it after 18th century

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When was The Six Wives of Henry VIII Live at Hampton Court Palace created?

The Six Wives of Henry VIII Live at Hampton Court Palace was created on 2009-05-02.

What part of England did king Henry live in?

Henry VIII lived in Hampton Court Palace in London, England.

What castle did King Henry VIII live in?

Being King, Henry VIII had a good choice of castles. He mainly lived in Hampton Court.

Why did Henry VIII live in Hampton court?

Because it was made the official home of the rulers of England halfway through Henry VIII's reign and remained one of the official homes until the mid-18th century.

Who first lived in Hampton court palace?

Thomas Wolsey, the later Cardinal was the first to live in Hampton Court Palace, he had acquired preceeding buildings and built the Palace complex itself. After his fall from grace and shortly before his death he lost the Palace to King Henry VIII..

How many years did Henry viii live at Hampton court?

Full information, including dates, on the link below.

Did Henry the viii only live at Hampton court?

No, he only acquired Hampton Court on the fall of Cardinal Wolsey in 1529. He was born at Greenwich and lived in various places during his lifetime as the Court would move from palace to palace or castle for various reasons - to avoid infection or the plague, to enable the palaces to be cleaned, for hunting and so on. So he would live at Whitehall, Richmond, Nonesuch (now demolished), Windsor, even the Tower of London (a royal residence as well as a prison) and so on, as well as at Hampton Court.

Where did King Henry VIII live?

Henry had many palaces which he lived in; these included Greenwich (where he was born), Richmond and many others.Henry VIII's primary residence later became Hampton Court Palace, but Henry lived in a number of palaces including the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Eltham Palace, St James Palace, Westminster Palace, and occasionally Dover castle.Windsor Castle & Hampton Court Whitehall, Richmond, Hampton Court only after he acquired it from Wolsey. His favourite home was Greenwich, then spelled Grenewich. He loved it there and kept the royal barge moored there so he could use the Thames to travel back and forth.More information can be found in a forthcoming book, I Diced With God ... the life of Henry VIII which will answer all these questions and many more. Look out for it this summer.

Did Henry VIII live in 19th century in brazil?

No Henry VIII did not live in the 19th Century in Brazil.

Where did Catherine live?

in England at Hampton court

What did Henry use Hampton court for?

Tudor sections of Hampton Court, which were later overhauled and rebuilt by Henry VIII, suggest that Wolsey intended it as an ideal Renaissance cardinal's palace in the style of Italian architects such as il Filarete and Leonardo da Vinci: rectilinear symmetrical planning, grand apartments on a raised piano nobile, classical detailing. Jonathan Foyle has suggested that it is likely that Wolsey had been inspired by Paolo Cortese's De Cardinalatu, a manual for cardinals that included advice on palatial architecture, published in 1510. Planning elements of long-lost structures at Hampton Court appear to have been based on Renaissance geometrical programs, an Italian influence more subtle than the famous terracotta busts of Roman emperors by Giovanni da Maiano that survive in the great courtyard. Hampton Court remains the only one of 50 palaces built by Henry VIII financed from the Dissolution of the Monasteries.The palace was appropriated by Wolsey's master, Henry VIII, in about 1525, although the Cardinal continued to live there until 1529. Henry added the Great Hall - which was the last medieval Great Hall built for the English monarchy - and the Royal Tennis Court, which was built and is still in use for the game of real tennis, not the present-day version of the game. This court is now the oldest Real Tennis Court in the world that is still in use.