To tell stories, ward off evil spirits, attract good spirits, used as signs, to explain what is and used for results (similar to praying).
Most Mayan art emphasized religion.
They demonstrate the central role that religion played in the lives of the Mesopotamians.
conflict and tribal prejudice
The term modern art is usually used about art of the 20th century. The term primitive art is now regarded as misleading. It was used about tribal cultures, e.g. in Africa or the Inuits.
They created beautiful masks and charms. The dances were creative as well.
To tell stories, ward off evil spirits, attract good spirits, used as signs, to explain what is and used for results (similar to praying).
Lots of art is represented in traditional Africa. Music and dance have always accompanied events in life. Sculpture recorded history and aided religious practice. Even though much of early African architecture did not survive, the architecture that does remain reveals brilliant craftsmanship.
tribal(native) The major religion for black people in America is not tribal. "Tribal" isn't a religion. I'm black and most of us are Baptists, Methodists or Muslim.
Traditional tribal religion.
Bastar tribal art is the art of the state of Chhattisgarh and originated in the Bastar district. Chhattisgarh is located in central India.
Antique Tribal Art Dealers Association was created in 1988.
African tribal art
They made masks and wore them in rituals and they made charms that (they thought) gave luck.They would also have had special dances in all the different tribes. the dances where all special to there history and tribe story.