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The Dutch reformed are different than other Christian churches because of their history in the Netherlands. After the Reformation it was not uncommon for each country to have its own form of Protestantism. The French reformed, or Huguenots, the German Reformed and Lutherans, the Scottish Presbyterian, and the English Puritans. The Dutch reformed is unique not only from being from the Netherlands, but also because of Dutch Reformed Churches all hold to 3 creeds, called the Three Forms of Unity, that are unique from other denominational creeds. These creeds are the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Cannons of Dort. These creeds were all adopted in 1618 and 1619 and have been used in all Dutch reformed churches since.

In addition Dutch churches are governed by some form of a Church Order which regulates the government of the churches. This church order specifies the convening of churches together in larger bodies called classis, and the convening of classis together in a synod.

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Q: How is dutch reformed different from other religions?
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Continue Learning about General History

How were the Ottoman Turks different from other rulers in the Middle East?

They were tolerant of other religions.

What person made a religious impact in the Netherlands?

Jesus is responsible for 50% of Dutch religious beliefs. In grater detail 30% are Roman Catholic, 11% Dutch Reformed, 6% are Calvinist, 3% are other Protestants, 5.8% are Muslim, 2.2% other, and 2.2 are not religious.

How did other religions influence ancient Egypt culture?

. Other religions influenced the Egyptians as the Egyptians ewere conquered by different people like Alexander the Great brought Greek Influences.

How were the French Dutch and English settlements different from and similar to each other?

They WORKED on their homework instead of cheating and you did NOT!

What is the percentage of Portugal's different religions?

Roman Catholic 84.5%, other Christian 2.2%, other 0.3%, unknown 9%, none 3.9% (2001 census)

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it is not good

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In year 2010:The Dutch population was made up of 16,615,000 people.Among these 24.6% (4.1 million) were Roman Catholics,14.8% (2.5 million) were Protestants (of these 2.25 million or 13.5% were Reformed and Lutherans, 230,000 or 1.3% were other Protestants),0.7% (130,000) were other Christians, Orthodox, Jehovah's Witnesses and others),5% (907,000) were Muslims,1.0% (170,000) were Buddhists,0.9% (150,000) were Hindus.51.3% of the population (8,527,000) were mostly non religious, and1.2% were followers of other religions.

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