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it doesn't anymore. a dam was built in 1970 so the river doesn't flood anymore.

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Q: How far does the nile rivers flood plain stretch?
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What rivers flood in Egypt?

river Nile

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Why do people farm along the flood plain of the river nile?

they farm their because their is fertile soil

Does the river nile have flood plains?

Yes, the river Nile does flood, but it is very rare =]

Did the Nile flood very predictably?

yes it flooded more pedictably than the tigra and euphrates rivers

Why did the Egyptians live the flood plain?

Most live close to the Nile because of the water, the alternative being desert.

Which rivers flood and help crops grow?

Across the world many rivers flood and help crops grow. The ones that come to my mind are the River Severn in Britain and the River Nile in Egypt.

Simularities between the nile and Tigris river?

They both flood They r both rivers They r in africa that is it Bye

Are there flooding in the river nile?

Yes. The Nile River, like most rivers can flood. The ancient Egyptians lived close to the river and used its periodic flooding to help their crops.

Why does th Nile River not flood?

It does flood

Is upper or Lower Egypt better for farming?

I think lower egypt was because there is lots of smaller rivers that join the nile an where the rivers are there is lots of land that flood ao the soil is good.

The Nile begins to separate at what two rivers?

how many nile rivers are there Albert Nile, White Nile, Blue Nile, Nile Fan, Victoria Nile, and Yellow Nile