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Answer this question… Dadaists and Surrealists embraced silliness and the subconscious and rejected the reason and rationalism they felt had led to war and mass destruction.

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15y ago

Surrealism originated from the Dadaist movement which was founded during world war one. Dadaists believed that most irrational things originated from the horrors of war. Surrealism hit its peak around the period of time when World war two was happening. Some people may also confuse Surrealism with the beliefs of Dadasim.

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11y ago

WW I was a spectacularly senseless and destructive conflict which was harmful to all those who participated in it; as a result, many people began to question all the social and cultural assumptions which allowed the human race to do such a crazy thing. Artistic movements such as surrealism and dadaism were at least partially inspired by the feeling that human civilization doesn't really make as much sense as people used to think it did.

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