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With a sonic broom! See also the related question below. Answer Due to the ban on the use of Supersonic brooms by W.A.N.D.S ( World Aeronautical Navigation Development Society) for everyday use, this makes it very difficult for your average witch to break the sound barrier. The ban was enforced because of the inability of Air Traffic Control to handle the sheer volume of supersonic flight around the witching hour, and lots of complaints from the Ministry of Defence about Air Force pilots being mooned at. This last item has lead to a debate about it being a rogue witch or actually Amlove the fairy, ( who seems to have escaped from another answer). No doubt this burning issue will be settled in further questions and answers ( as soon as I have thought of them). The ban has lead to a boom in the sale of baked beans, as one enterprising witch found out after consuming 10 cans of them, she found the extra gas power took her normal broom through the sound barrier. The effect of this on the ozone layer has yet to be determined.

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Q: How does a witch break the sound barrier?
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Only jet fighter planes break sound barrier now.

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Do helicopter blades break the sound barrier?

No, helicopter blades do not break the sound barrier. The tips of the blades can approach the speed of sound, but the entire blade does not exceed the speed of sound.

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Chuck Yeager flew the Bell X1 to break the sound barrier in 1947Chuck Yeager flew the Bell X1 to break the sound barrier

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Concorde breaks the sound barrier at 2.02mach Super sonic aircraft break the sound barier. They used the plane x-1

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Yes, depending on which aircraft you have but there is no indication that you have broken the sound barrier unfortunately.

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Most modern guns DO fire bullets that break the sound barrier. That is, their bullets travel faster than the speed of sound when they are fired.

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No, not all bullets break the sound barrier. Bullets traveling below the speed of sound are subsonic, while those exceeding it are supersonic. The speed of sound at sea level is approximately 761 mph (1,225 km/h).

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The first man made device to break the sound barrier is the whip. The first pilot to break the sound barrier was Chuck Yeager, flying a Bell X-1 at Mach 1 in October of 1947.