A chicken egg becomes fertilized inside the female chicken's body while she is making the egg. Sperm from the rooster who has mated her in the past couple weeks is stored in her reproductive system and added to her eggs as they are made. Thus fertilization is an internal process.
It's impossible to tell by looking at a chicken egg whether or not it is fertilized. Having a rooster with your backyard hens ensures that virtually all eggs are fertile.
The natural brooding season of chickens, when hens want to sit on, or brood, eggs to incubate them, starts from spring, when the days start getting longer. However, females, called hens, that are around males, called roosters, can lay fertilized eggs year-round. The roosters have reproductive organs known as testes, which produce sperm, which are transferred to the sperm sacs, through tube-like structures called vas deferens. It takes only thirty seconds for the roosters to deposit sperm in the reproductive tract of the hens, called the oviduct. The sperm that leave the body of the rooster through an opening called cloaca, enters the cloaca, then the oviduct, of the female, and travel through the various parts of the reproductive organs (the shell gland of the hen, the isthmus, and magnum) to reach the infundibulum, a funnel-shaped organ. This journey takes almost one week. Once inside the infundibulum, these sperm can remain live for one week or more, waiting for the eggs, which undergo the process of formation.
The eggs are formed as yolk, in the ovaries of the hen. This yolk, when released from the ovaries, travels to the infundibulum. If there are sperm in this funnel-shaped organ, the yolk will get fertilized. Once fertilized, the yolk passes through the same route, through which the sperm traveled to reach the infundibulum. The only difference is that the yolk travels in the reverse direction and completes its structure to form a proper egg, during the course of this journey. The yolk is surrounded by the egg white in the magnum, whereas the formation of the shell membrane starts in the isthmus. From there the yolk travels to the shell gland, where the shell formation is completed and the shell gets hardened. The egg is ready to be laid, which is usually done in the mornings. Once the fertilized egg is laid, the hen is ready to start with the formation of a new egg.
In short, hens can and will lay eggs without a rooster around, but such eggs will be unfertilized and cannot be incubated to develop a chick. You can distinguish a fertilized chicken egg through the method of candling once an egg has been incubated for a few days. During candling, a fertilized egg can be differentiated from an unfertilized one from the presence of veins inside it. It is always better to obtain fresh, fertilized chicken eggs, for the purpose of hatching chicken eggs.
the sperm from the male if the organisim is sexual not asexual
I think only animals etc have latin names. An egg is more of an object. addition Very roughly translated it is Pullus Ovum Pullus is young chicken Ovum is egg
in ww2
meat,chicken,egg,non veg of all type,fish,lamb.....as well as alcohol
well, that's like asking, did the egg come first or the chicken, no answer for that now is there?? love you xx
Many people raise chickens for their eggs. When the chicken lays the eggs and egg that is not fertilized is referred to as a dud egg. These are the eggs we get in the market. If the egg is fertilized, you will get a chick.
The chicken comes from the embryo inside the egg, specifically the fertilized yolk.
The chicken comes from the fertilized egg's embryo, which is located within the egg white and yolk.
It means the egg was fertilized :\
The egg is not a chicken unless it has been fertilized and incubated.
it has to be fertilized, and you can stick it in an incubator.
Externally fertilized
Its formed when the female and male cells are united. Chicken eggs are fertilized by roosters.the sperm goes in to the egg and fertilises the egg . by cit
The gametes, or "sex cells" - the sperm and ovum (egg) - become the fertilized egg (zygote) when they fuse.
A fertilized chicken egg is an egg that has the ability to be hatched. Normal store eggs can't be but eggs from a farmer usually can be. The fertilized part just means the hen was around a rooster and he inseminated her. So now there is a sperm in the chicken egg. Hence the fertilized part.
good chance for chicks(baby chicken)