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Neil Armstrong affects life by being a role model to people from all walks of life. Being the first person to set foot on the moon, he is an inspiration to many people pursuing dreams that may seem impossible to achieve.

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Books on Neil Armstrong?

"First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong" by James Hansen

Who was the first man on the moon and which country was he from?

The first prson to go to the moon was Neil Armstrong, no he is not dead he lives in Ohio.

Who killed Neil Armstrong?

Neil Armstrong was never killed, he is now in his late 70s and leads a retired life on his farm.

Is Armstrong scotish?

Neil Armstrong is Scottish but he lived in America for his whole life

Neil Armstrong's date of birth?

Astronaut Neil Armstrong died at age 82. He was born on 5 August 1930 and died on 25 August 2012.

What are some big events in Neil Armstrong's life?

Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and made history as the first man on the moon!

What does Neil Armstrong dislike?

There is no specific information available to suggest what Neil Armstrong disliked. He was known for his dedication to his work as an astronaut and his contributions to space exploration. Personal likes and dislikes are not widely documented.

Did Neil Armstrong write a book?

Yes, Neil Armstrong co-authored a book titled "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong" with James R. Hansen. This biography gives insight into Armstrong's life, including his experiences as an astronaut.

What was Neil Armstrong's most important accomplishments?

Neil Armstrong's most important accomplishment was being the first person to walk on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. This historic event marked a significant achievement in human space exploration and inspired generations of people around the world. Armstrong's bravery, skill, and dedication to advancing science and technology continue to be celebrated.

Neil Armstrong's adult life?

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Why did Neil Armstrong get credit for touching the moon?

As Neil Armstrong volunteered to be a astronaut and was chosen by N.a.S.A , but he risked his life for all mankind , so credit must go to him.

Did Neil Armstrong move a lot of places?

Yes, Neil Armstrong did move around a lot. He moved around 16 times in the first 14 years of his life.