

Best Answer

There are more than 700 different Native American languages spoken in North and South America.

If you are not sure which language you are talking about, here is a partial list of the most common Native American languages in North America:

  • Abnaki, Eastern
  • Achumawi
  • Afro-Seminole Creole
  • Ahtena
  • Alabama
  • Aleut
  • Alsea
  • Angloromani
  • Apache, Jicarilla
  • Apache, Kiowa
  • Apache, Lipan
  • Apache, Mescalero-Chiricahua
  • Apache, Western
  • Arapaho
  • Arikara
  • Assiniboine
  • Atakapa
  • Atsugewi
  • Barbareño
  • Biloxi
  • Blackfoot
  • Caddo
  • Cahuilla
  • Carolina Algonquian
  • Carolinian
  • Catawba
  • Cayuga
  • Chamorro
  • Chehalis, Lower
  • Chehalis, Upper
  • Cherokee
  • Chetco
  • Cheyenne
  • Chickasaw
  • Chimariko
  • Chinook
  • Chinook Wawa
  • Chippewa
  • Chitimacha
  • Choctaw
  • Chumash
  • Clallam
  • Cocopa
  • Coeur d'Alene
  • Columbia-Wenatchi
  • Comanche
  • Coos
  • Coquille
  • Cowlitz
  • Cree, Plains
  • Crow
  • Cruzeño
  • Cupeño
  • Dakota
  • Degexit'an
  • Delaware
  • Delaware, Pidgin
  • Esselen
  • Evenki
  • Eyak
  • Galice
  • Gros Ventre
  • Gwich'in
  • Halkomelem
  • Han
  • Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai
  • Hawai'i Creole English
  • Hawai'i Pidgin Sign Language
  • Hawaiian
  • Hidatsa
  • Ho-Chunk
  • Holikachuk
  • Hopi
  • Hupa
  • Ineseño
  • Inupiaq
  • Inupiatun, North Alaskan
  • Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska
  • Iowa-Oto
  • Jemez
  • Jingpho
  • Kalapuya
  • Kalispel-Pend D'oreille
  • Kansa
  • Karkin
  • Karok
  • Kashaya
  • Kato
  • Kawaiisu
  • Keres, Eastern
  • Keres, Western
  • Kickapoo
  • Kiowa
  • Kitsai
  • Klamath-Modoc
  • Koasati
  • Koyukon
  • Kumiai
  • Kuskokwim, Upper
  • Kutenai
  • Lakota
  • Luiseño
  • Lumbee
  • Lushootseed
  • Mahican
  • Maidu, Northeast
  • Maidu, Northwest
  • Maidu, Valley
  • Makah
  • Malecite-Passamaquoddy
  • Mandan
  • Mattole
  • Menominee
  • Meskwaki
  • Miami
  • Michif
  • Micmac
  • Mikasuki
  • Miwok, Bay
  • Miwok, Central Sierra
  • Miwok, Coast
  • Miwok, Lake
  • Miwok, Northern Sierra
  • Miwok, Plains
  • Miwok, Southern Sierra
  • Mohave
  • Mohawk
  • Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett
  • Mokilese
  • Molale
  • Mono
  • Muskogee
  • Nanticoke
  • Natchez
  • Navajo
  • Nawathinehena
  • Nez Perce
  • Nisenan
  • Nooksack
  • Nottoway
  • Obispeño
  • Ofo
  • Ohlone, Northern
  • Ohlone, Southern
  • Okanagan
  • Omaha-Ponca
  • Oneida
  • Onondaga
  • Osage
  • Ottawa
  • Paiute, Northern
  • Pawnee
  • Piro
  • Piscataway
  • Plains Indian Sign Language
  • Pomo, Central
  • Pomo, Eastern
  • Pomo, Northeastern
  • Pomo, Northern
  • Pomo, Southeastern
  • Pomo, Southern
  • Potawatomi
  • Powhatan
  • Purepecha
  • Purisimeño
  • Quapaw
  • Quechan
  • Quileute
  • Quinault
  • Salinan
  • Salish, Southern Puget Sound
  • Salish, Straits
  • Sea Island Creole English
  • Seneca
  • Serrano
  • Shasta
  • Shawnee
  • Shoshoni
  • Siuslaw
  • Skagit
  • Snohomish
  • Spanish
  • Spokane
  • Takelma
  • Tanacross
  • Tanaina
  • Tanana, Lower
  • Tanana, Upper
  • Tenino
  • Tewa
  • Tillamook
  • Timbisha
  • Tiwa, Northern
  • Tiwa, Southern
  • Tlingit
  • Tohono O'odham
  • Tolowa
  • Tonkawa
  • Tsimshian
  • Tübatulabal
  • Tunica
  • Tuscarora
  • Tutelo
  • Tututni
  • Twana
  • Umatilla
  • Unami
  • Ute-Southern Paiute
  • Ventureño
  • Wailaki
  • Walla Walla
  • Wampanoag
  • Wappo
  • Wasco-Wishram
  • Washo
  • Wichita
  • Wintu
  • Wiyot
  • Wyandot
  • Yakima
  • Yaqui
  • Yokuts
  • Yuchi
  • Yuki
  • Yupik, Central
  • Yupik, Central Siberian
  • Yupik, Pacific Gulf
  • Yurok
  • Zuni
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It means protection, That's why some native Americans wear feathers on themselves for protection or to keep bad spirits away.

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Q: How do you say owl in Native American?
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How do you say white owl in native American Seminole tribe?

In Seminole (a Muskogean language very close to Creek), the word for an owl is huppa, huppe or huppee. White is hatkee, so huppa hatkee is white owl.

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it is really good for a native to spot an owl because they are good luck old Indians say!!

What is the word for owl in any Native American language?

The Cherokee call the owl, wa-hu-hi. The Cheyenne word is mestaa'e and the Mohegan call them kokotayam, although the Mohegan have different words if describing the size of the owl or if it is a screech owl.

How do you say dancing fire in native American?

There is no one language called "Native American." There are MANY Native American languages.

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hard to say considering that there doesn't exist a language, 'native american'...

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Which Language? You do realize that there 150+ Native American languages?

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There is not just one Native American language, there are thousands of them.

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There isn't such a language as Native American. Native American tribes speak more than 700 different languages.

How do you say blue in native american indian?

There are about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".

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