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G (pronounced: Geh) sechs

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Q: How do you say g6 in German?
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How do you say like a g6 in German?

"wie ein G6" Phonetically it would sound something like "vee eyn geh zechs". WARNING! The pronunciation of "G6" in German sounds close enough to "gay sex" in English that this would probably elicit giggles from a young German audience conversant in American slang. Most pop song translations do not alter the original chorus anyway, only the lyrics in between. To avoid any possible embarrassment, listen to the German version of the song before you start singing!

What is a g6 as in like a g6?

I don't know what you mean by - as in like a G6, but a G6 is an aeroplane or a car of some sort (:

How many times do they say g6?

16 hurting times. yup i counted em...

What do they mean feeling so fly like a g6 in the song like a g6?

g6 is a jet. feelin so 'FLY' like a G6

Is a g6 a car or plane?

its a plane. like the song called G6, " Fly like a G6

Is there a 2010 g6?

No, 2009 was the final year for the G6

What is a g6 far east movement?

A "G6" is actually a jet.

What is feeling like a G6?

Feeling like a G6 is feeling "fly". It is used in such songs as "Like a G6". A G6 is a very fast and small airplane. Kind of like a jet. That is why people use the term "I'm feeling so fly like a G6".

Who do you say war in German?

How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"

How do you say body in German?

To say body in German it is Körper

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Tranianieren is how you say practice in German.

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