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You can pronounce them any way you like and you will be wrong every time, because we do not accurately know how anyancient Egyptian words were pronounced.

Hieroglyphs only record consonants, not vowels (exactly as in ancient Arabic, Phoenician and Hebrew) - the people at the time knew which vowels to include, but that knowledge is lost today.

Many people pretend to know how to say the names of gods and goddesses (for example pronouncing Seth as Set) but they are fantasising and misleading others. The name of that particular god is written in hieroglyphs as stx (s+t+kh) and it was definitely not pronounced as either Seth or Set.

Isis and Osiris are both later Greek forms of the real Egyptian names, which are written Ast and wsir in hieroglyphs, where the A and i represent consonant sounds not present in English.

Bes, Geb, Anubis, Taweret, Horus, Bastet, Neith, Thoth, Hathor, Amun, Tefnut and Mut (and the names of hundreds more) are all very modern guesses at how the names might have been said - and all are incorrect. Those names are written in hieroglyphs as bs, gb, inpw, twrt, Hr, bAstt, nt, DHwty, Hwt Hr, imn, tfnt, mwt.

Scholars need to be able to write and talk about these deities so having more pronounceable names like Thoth (as opposed to DHwty) is convenient and widely accepted, but always entirely inaccurate.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

It is pronounced like Set. The h is silent.

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How do you pronounce the Egyptian gods name khnum?

kəˈnu; m

Is Egyptian god seth real?

All ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses were real to the ancient Egyptian people, just as Allah is real to Moslems, Buddha is real to Buddhists and the Christian god is real to faithful Christians.Taking one example of an ancient Egyptian deity and suggesting that he might be real today is foolish, since Seth (not his Egyptian name) is not worshipped in the modern world and has no followers, no priests and no cult associated with him - any more than Isis, Sebek, Nut, Geb, Ptah or Atum have.

What is the Egyptian gods Hathor name in roman?

Miley Cyrus

Does the egyptians have over 700 Gods and Goddess?

Around 2000 Ancient Egyptian gods and deities are known today by name.

How do you pronounce the Egyptian name Sitre?

Good question,except I don't have an answer.I have heard of Sitre however.

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How do you pronounce the Egyptian gods name khnum?

kəˈnu; m

What is the meaning of seth first name?

The biblical name,Seth, means appointed. In ancient Egyptian mythology Seth (pronounced set) is the god of chaos.

Is Egyptian Seth the same as Adam and Eve's son Seth?

No, this is an issue that comes from translation. The Egyptian Seth is the mischievous god of the Underworld whose proper Egyptian name is "Seti" or "Setesh." The Old Testament Seth is the progenitor of all humanity (through Noah) and comes from the Hebrew "Shayt".

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In French, the name Seth does not have a specific meaning as it is a name that originates from other languages such as Hebrew and English. It is not a commonly used name in French-speaking regions.

How do you say Seth in french?

You talkin Egyptian god Seth? In that case, it's a name. Hence it would still be Seth in French. Hope this helped

What is the acient Egyptian sun gods name?

Well first of all it's Egyptian! His name was Re, although the Egyptians did tend to vary.. For example the God of thunder was called 'Seth' but in some cases you'll see he's called 'set'.

What is seths roman name if applicable?

Seth/Set is the Latin form of the ancient Egyptian god's name.

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Is Egyptian god seth real?

All ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses were real to the ancient Egyptian people, just as Allah is real to Moslems, Buddha is real to Buddhists and the Christian god is real to faithful Christians.Taking one example of an ancient Egyptian deity and suggesting that he might be real today is foolish, since Seth (not his Egyptian name) is not worshipped in the modern world and has no followers, no priests and no cult associated with him - any more than Isis, Sebek, Nut, Geb, Ptah or Atum have.

What is the Egyptian gods Hathor name in roman?

Miley Cyrus

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Nekhebet is the name of the Egyptian God of chickens. There were 2000 gods worshipped during the ancient Egyptian empire.

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