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I was looking for the same answer. I found this website from Lowes detailing the process. It inludes pics and steps.

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Q: How do you install veneer stone on cinder block?
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What is the average labor cost to install veneer stone?

The average labor cost to install veneer stone can range from $30 to $50 per square foot. This cost can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the installation, location, and labor rates in your area. It's recommended to get quotes from multiple contractors to find the best price.

How do I adhere a fireplace stone veneer?

You adhere a fireplace stone veneer by simply sliding it into the fireplace. It is a great warming tool!

How much does stone veneer cost?

Stone veneer is one of the biggest trends in DIY home improvement. It varies on how much stone veneer you need for your project. I'd check out Lowes or other DIY home improvment places in your town, then check out:

Decorating with Stone Veneer?

One of the hottest trends in decorating today is to blend outdoor, natural elements into the interior of the home, producing a warm and rustic look that juxtaposes clean, modern lines with the rugged beauty of nature. One product that is very popular with interior decorators for achieving this effect is stone veneer. Stone veneer is a thin piece of natural or artificial stone that covers a subsurface, giving it a beautiful natural stone finish. Stone veneer can be either natural or artificial (sometimes called manufactured). Natural stone veneer is carved from rocks harvested from the earth. They can be either polished or unpolished to suit the decor of the room. Artificial or manufactured stone veneer is created from a mixture of stone and cements that are ground together and colored to mimic the color and texture of natural stones. These are often less expensive than natural stone veneer, making them a good choice for people on a budget. Regardless of the choice between natural or manufactured stone veneer, the product can be used in many places throughout the house. One common area where stone veneer is used is in the bathroom. The stones can be used for counter tops or on the floors and walls. Stone veneer can even be used to line showers and bathtubs if they are sealed with a chemical sealer. Another place in the home where stone veneer is commonly used is the kitchen. Again, stone veneer is often used for counter tops, but also as backsplashes. Builders often employ the use of stone veneer around fireplaces, giving them a rustic and cozy look. Also, stone veneer can be used around archways, doorways, and support columns, giving the illusion that the home has been constructed at least partially from real stones and boulders. Stone veneer is also being used to cover walls instead of wallpaper or paint because of its durability and easy maintenance. Generally, stone veneer is stain resistant and easy to care for. Installing stone veneer into a home can increase its visual appeal and value by combining elements of nature with modern aesthetics, making it the perfect solution to many housing designs.

How do you spell cinder?

That is the correct spelling of cinder (burnt wood, coal, or stone).

How to Install Stone Veneer for a Unique and Rustic Look?

Stone veneer provides a wonderful ambience to a variety of places within a home. Indoor fireplaces are one location where stone veneer can prove to create a striking look. They can also be placed on walls of all kinds. These installations give your home a unique appearance and can truly enhance any rooms in which they are placed. Here is some information for setting up stone veneer in your home.You will need to choose the kind of stone veneer you want. You are free to decide between a variety of colors and styles. Choose something that will match or complement the decor you have in the room in which you will be installing the stone veneer. It is best to choose natural thin stone veneer. This material requires little to no maintenance, and the homeowner will never have to worry about the material chipping or cracking. It also lasts a long time in adverse weather.When attaching the veneer to a surface that is not made of stone, you will first want to prime the surface with some kind of protective coating that will keep moisture out. This is an important step so that both the applied veneer and the surface material do not experience moisture damage and subsequent deterioration.Familiarize yourself with the building codes for your area. You will have to take these into account when installing the veneer. Some codes will require a certain kind of support be installed, such as a mesh or sheeting with staples. Adhere to whatever directives are given in your local building codes.After this step, you will want to add mortar to the surface on top of which you are placing the stone veneer. Then position your stone veneer on top of this layer of mortar. Be sure to press firmly and wait for the mortar to harden and set the veneer in its place.Clean up the look of your newly placed stone veneer by removing any mortar that has oozed out from the underside. You can do this by using a heavy duty brush with moistened bristles. Make sure you do not attempt this step until after the mortar has dried, however.

brick wall repair?

form_title=brick wall repair form_header=7163 "Please select, what best describes the type of repair you are looking for."*= () "Stone/Brick is loose () Wall is leaning () Wall is cracked () Gate is sagging () Hardware is damaged/broken/missing () Brick is crumbling/flaking () Mortar is cracked, crumbling, missing () Water leaking through wall" How large is the area that needs to be repaired?*= {Select One,One square foot or less,2 - 5 square feet,6 - 10 square feet,More than 10 square feet} Please specify the type of masonry material in need of repair.*= () Brick () Concrete blocks (cinder block) () Stone () Concrete block with stucco veneer () Interlocking concrete blocks () Don't Know () Concrete block with brick or stone veneer

The Advantages of Brick or Stone Veneer?

If you want the look of stone siding without the costly maintenance, consider purchasing a brick or stone veneer. It will not need the mortar replacement that actual brick or stone siding requires. It also costs less upfront that does the real deal. Real brick or stone siding must rest on a foundation while the veneer adheres to the house with mortar or mastic. The veneer is also nearly identical in appearance to real brick or stone, since it is made from the same materials.

Brick Wall Insallation?

form_title=brick wall installation form_header=7153 What function does the wall serve?*= () Retaining wall () Decorative wall () Protective wall () Other Please choose any other services you need as part of this project.*= [] Excavation [] Waterproofing [] Drainage [] Unsure What is the height of the wall?*= {Select One,1 - 2 ft,3 - 4 ft,5 - 6 ft,Over 6 ft} What is the length of the wall?*= {Select One,Less than 10 ft,10 - 25 ft,25 - 50 ft,50 - 100 ft,Over 100 ft} Please specify the type of material you are wanting.*= () Brick () Concrete block (cinder block) () Stone () Concrete block with stucco veneer () Interlocking concrete blocks () Concrete block with brick or stone veneer

Where to find information on stone veneer?

The first thing I would say is to just look it up yourself or try wikipidia or another place like that to see if they have anything on a stone veneer.

Real Stone or Stone Veneer Only Your Mason Knows for Sure?

Stone veneer is fast replacing actual stone in most of today’s homes. The classic look of a real stone exterior can be had for less than half the cost of a natural stone fa%C3%A7ade. And the best news is that only your mason will be able to tell the difference. And, maybe,your freinds and neighbors with great eyesight and attention to detail. Stone veneer is a lightweight concrete castes of actual stones that come in a variety of colors and styles. Using modern manufacturing techniques, today’s makers of stone veneers can exactly duplicate your existing stonework if you are building an addition to your home. Since modern stone veneers are cast from actual stones, the look of modern veneers is extremely hard to differentiate from real stone. Using a stone veneer in your building project affords you several advantages over the use of real stone. Light weight Stone veneer is much lighter in weight than natural stones. They do not require the massive structural footings required when you are building with natural stone. This is especially important when you are building, or refacing, an interior wall or fireplace surround. You can install a stone veneer wall on a standard sub floor structure, no need to reinforce your subfloor to withstand the weight of a natural stone wall. Less costly Stone veneer is typically 1/3 to ½ the cost of natural stone materials. Because veneers are preformed to a more uniform standard by the manufacturer, the time and cost of the installation process is less than natural stone. There will be less time needed to cut and fit stone veneer, saving you money on the installation. There is also less waste than that which is associated with real stone. Variety of Choice Even though stone veneer is usually caste from real stones, the manufacturers can offer you different color choices than you will find in natural stone. You can mix and match several different patterns or colors to come up with exactly the look that you what to achieve. With stone veneer, you are only limited by your imagination.

Should You Use Stone Veneer?

Stone veneer often is offered as an alternative to natural stone during construction and remodeling. What should someone considering stone veneer take into account before using it as their material of choice?CostStone veneer costs considerably less than stone, often from 1/3 to 1/2 less. The materials used to put up stone veneer also are less expensive than that of real stone. The installation of real stone also requires more skill and time, and therefore would require higher labor costs to put in properly. Some construction materials are also not needed with veneer, as opposed to natural stone. Less waste also occurs with stone veneer than natural stone due to the standardized manufacturing process.Appearance and CustomizationNatural stone often is used around the area from which it is excavated, leaving buyers and builders with few options. Stone veneer offers a type of large-scale customization not available with natural stone. Different finishes and colors are available with veneers, offering a look that natural stone may not be able to offer. However, real stone offers a more natural appearance, as even the same type of stone may vary in color and texture. It also adds more potential value to a home than stone veneer does.UpkeepStone veneer requires very little upkeep if it installed properly. Usually a washing with water when dirty is sufficient. Natural stone involves using a special sealant and certain cleaners to be sure that it does not erode the stone. However, repairing natural stone is easier if broken because of its nonstandard appearance, whereas it may be difficult to exactly match a stone veneer. Stone veneer also has less strength overall than natural stone, and cannot be reused as natural stone can.Consider Your SurfaceHow much work would have to be done to put in the veneer? New, untreated brick, concrete blocks, and surface concrete don’t need special preparation other than cleaning. Wallboard or plain wood, however, will need an entire substructure of which may include a vapor barrier and a coat of mortar. Natural stone may only need a cleaning and sanding of the surface on which it is to be placed.