

How do lime trees reproduce?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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12y ago

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They reproduce from cones on the back of the leaves.

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Q: How do lime trees reproduce?
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Do all trees reproduce the same way?

No, trees reproduce in different ways. Some have flowers and others have cones.

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What trees do not drop seeds?

All Trees need to drop seeds because it needs to reproduce, if I couldn't reproduce then there wouldn't be one of those trees in the first place.

Why do trees bloom?

Trees bloom to produce flowers, which contain reproductive organs that allow them to reproduce. The blooming process attracts pollinators like bees and birds, which help transfer pollen between flowers, leading to fertilization and the production of seeds. Ultimately, blooming plays a crucial role in the tree's reproductive cycle and ensures the continuation of its species.

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Fir trees reproduce through a process called seed production. Male fir trees produce pollen, which is carried by the wind to female cones on other trees. The female cones collect the pollen, allowing fertilization to occur. Once fertilized, the cones develop seeds that can be dispersed to grow new fir trees.

How does wild banana reproduce?

Bananas grow on trees, which "reproduce" through germination.

Trees beginning with l?

· Lemon · Lime · Locust

Are lime trees acid loving plants?

Yes, lime trees prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. Providing the right acidity level in the soil can help lime trees thrive and absorb essential nutrients effectively.

Is there a species of lime trees that don't have thorns?

Yes, there are thornless varieties of lime trees. These cultivars are selectively bred to produce fruit without thorns, making them easier to harvest and handle. Examples include the Tahiti lime and the Persian lime.

How do the Banana Trees reproduce?

i dont think it can reproduce by itself but people can plant more