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They cower in fear.

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Q: How do dogs react when they see gods or goddesses?
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What would the egyptians do for the gods and goddesses?

long ago they were very afraid of the gods so they showed them as much respect as they could.they could not see or talk to them but they knew they were there.

Why did fifth-century Greeks not see themselves as at the mercy of gods?

Ancient Greeks were people who worshiped many gods as polytheists. Fifth-century Greeks did not see themselves at the mercy of gods because they thought the gods were benevolent.

How many different Egyptian gods are there?

Ancient Egypt had many gods. Some of them and the most important ones, are:- Ra - god of sun- Anubis - god of embalming- Bes - god of happiness and protector of the family- Osiris - god of the dead, god of the underworld- Seth - murderer of Osiris - god of deserts, storms, darkness and chaos- Isis - wife of Osiris - goddess of motherhood and fertility- Horus - god of protection - protected the pharaohs- Thoth - god of wisdom - the voice of Ra- Amun or Amon - god of creation- Imsety - son of Horus - protected the liver of the deceased - was protected by Nephthys(the mistress of the house)- Hapy - son of Horus - protected the lungs of the deceased - was protected by Isis- Qebehsenuef - son of Horus - protected the intestines of the deceased - was protected by Serket(goddess of healing stings and bites)- Duamutef - son of Horus - protected the stomach of the deceased - was protected by Neith (goddess of war and of hunting)- Hathor - goddess of love, motherhood and joy- Khnum - he who created the bodies of the children- Ma'at - goddess of truth, justice, balance, morality- Ptah - god who gave the names of everything - when speaking a word, he created it- Sekhmet - goddess of war- Sobek - god of water- Heket - creator of the ka's - goddess of life and fertility- Meskhenet - creator of the ka's - goddess of childbirthHope it helped.

What are the essential elements of the Roman belief systems?

The Roman belief system was centred on religion. Roman religion was polytheistic (it had many gods). The gods and goddesses represented many things; agriculture, the harvest, hunting, trade, fertility, childbirth, women, men, wisdom, music, art, etc. The Romans had many festivals to honour their gods. Generally, they believed that they had to give their gods offerings (sacrifices) to honour them and prevent their wrath. Natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, famines, earthquakes and epidemics were seen as the result of the gods being angry at not having been honoured. They also practiced augury, which was the divination of the omens of the gods. They had priests who consulted the gods on actions they wanted to undertake to see whether they would get their approval or disapproval. The responses came in the form of omens (events regarded as a portent of good or evil) in the sky (such as the clouds, thunder, and the flight of birds) or in the behaviour of animals which were interpreted by these priests.

How do you viola and Sebastian react when they see one another in Act v?

They are overjoyed.

Related questions

Can you see all the gods and goddesses?

No, unless you're either dead or you look up who all the gods and goddesses are and then draw picture of them!

Did the Greeks actually see the gods and goddesses?

yes they did

Why are gods and goddesses blue?

I have yet in my lifetime to see a blue god I second that, I have seen two gods and goddesses that are blue. It's JUST an IMPRESSION.

What is the name of the Hindu goddess?

There are many gods and goddesses in Hinduism. See the related link below.

What would the egyptians do for the gods and goddesses?

long ago they were very afraid of the gods so they showed them as much respect as they could.they could not see or talk to them but they knew they were there.

Is passover dedicated to a goddess?

No. Judaism worships One God, creator of the universe. There are no gods and goddesses in Judaism. See also the Related Links.Link: More about PassoverLink: What is God like?

Who are all of the gods and goddesses of mythology?

They are far too many to list here. But click the link below and you will see a menu with all their names.

Who does Aphrodite not like?

Aphrodite Does Not Like Any Of The Goddesses Because They Dnt Like Her... But She Likes All Of The Gods As You Can See Because She Is The Goddess Of Love And Beauty... :D

What gods did people believe in Egypt?

They believed in many gods and goddesses, you could look up Egyptian Mythology and find some interesting things. But some of the gods and goddesses were Bast, she was the goddess of cats, felines, things like that, Isis, the goddess of magic, Anubis was the god that led the dead to the afterlife, he wasn't the god of death but he was the one who weighed their souls with a feather to see what their fate would be.

Can dogs see in the mirror?

dogs can see in the mirror, my dog sometimes barks at himself in mirror. they also will watch the TV. ALthough some just don't react to the other dog "in the mirror".

What differences do you see in the myths that surround volcanoes?

The myths that surround volcanoes vary by culture, but they have more things in common than they do differences. Volcanoes are often said to be the home of various gods and goddesses, and eruptions occur when the resident gods get angry.

Are all gods naked?

Possibly, but not probably. But if your lucky to see statues of the gods and goddesses naked, lick them if your tongue has a disease. It happened to me once, and i did that. Everyone looked at me gross-like, but I healed right there on the spot and they did it too. Don't you think it is fascinating?