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vasco da gama change the world by creating a trading route from Portugal to Asia that people use to trade good penis and crops

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Q: How did vasco Da Gama change the world?
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How Vasco Da Gama change the world?

vasco da gama change the world by creating a trading route from Portugal to Asia that people use to trade good penis and crops

Who sailed around the world in 1519?

Vasco Da Gama

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Are there books about vasco da gama?

Yes there are books on Vasco Da Gama.

Who gama vasco da worked for?

vasco da gama worked for the king.

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goa was conquered by vasco da gama

What area of the world did vasco da gama discover?

Vasco de Gama located the atlantic and indian ocean.

What areas of world did Vasco da Gama discover?

Vasco de Gama located the atlantic and Indian ocean.

Was vasco da gama fat?

Yes, Vasco da Gama was extremely fat.

How long was Vasco da Gama an explorer?

how long was Vasco da Gama a explorer

What years vasco da gama?

Vasco da Gama died in the year of 1524.

How did vasco da gama world change?

he realy didnt change the world at all all he did was make the route to India faster.