by getting airplanes and risking their lives destroying the twin towers and they got pass by the airport because in their keychane they had like somethng dangerous and liquid to make bombs
The petronas twin towers.
As we all should know by now, both the twin towers would not have "fallen" straight down from a fire. Many sources have substantiated that bombs were in place in the towers before the planes hit. Whether the bombs were domestic or not, the public will probably never know.
you can get the twin towers into fsx by downloading it or setting the settings for fsx to realistic
the man who walked the twin towers was a frenchman named phillipe pettit who walked the towers in 1974
No, they werent. The tallest towers were the Petronas towers.
There were 2 airplanes that crashed into the Twin Towers. 1 for each tower.
2 planes with terrorists wanted to destroy the twin towers
new york
Two planes hit the towers.
No, we didn't do it ourselves.
I believe they all came from Boston.
It was two 767 jet airplanes.
Both planes that crashed into the twin towers (Flight 11 and Flight 175) were from Logan International Airport in Boston.
because they are dumb
osama binladin
Fact, because the planes were taken over by terrorists and were flown to and into and through the world trade center(twin towers).