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During the Salem witch trials, they didn't dunk the witches. That was a European thing. The Europeans believed that if you tied a supposed witch up and attached stones before putting them in the water. If they floated, the devil was holding them up and therefore they were a witch. If they sank, they were innocent and probably dead.

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Q: How did they dunk witches in the trial?
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How where the witches judged?

well you see scientifically the witches were just accused even if they weren't witches the judges made up their minds before trial so be awesome and bless your face!

How many witches were accused in Salem Witch Trial?

Between 150 and 200.

How many witches were burned at Salem witch trial?

none....they were all hanged.

What were witches famous for wearing?

Real witches like the Salem Witch Trial ones wore clothes that were considered ordinary. Fairytale witches were famous for wearing black cloaks and black hats.

Was there a southworth in pendle witch trials?

Yes, Jane southworth was with the pendle witches in their trial.

Why do the witch trial called like that?

A witch trial is called that because witches were literally tried in court with judges, procescutors and witnesses/evidence.

Who where named as witches in the Salem Witch trial?

Many Were named ad Many were falsely accused a 19 Hanged

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What are some basketball dunks?

-Single Handed Dunk -two handed dunk -360 Dunk -360 one handed dunk -720 two handed dunk -720 one handed dunk -between the legs dunk -between the legs dunk one handed -backwards two handed dunk -backwards one handed dunk -windmill dunk -three throw line dunk You can also make up your own!!! THANKZ -Brenton Lowe :-)

How do you craddle dunk in nba 2k11?

First you need a player that has a high dunk rating, like Jordan. You can do a dunk in a game and possibly do a craddle dunk. Im not quite sure if there is a signature dunk that allows you to craddle dunk but you can try.

How did you find out if people were witches?

They would tie them up with rope and dunk them into a lake. If they did not drown they they would be accused of being a witch and burned. IF they drowned they were pronounced innocent, but dies anyway.It was a lose-lose situation for the accused.

How did they test for witches in the olden days when mattew Hopkins was around?

thay would tiy there hands behind there back and dunk them into a river if they floutet they were a witch if they sank they where inicent so you would die any way.