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One of the witches' predictions had been the security of the life and reign of Macbeth as long as Birnam Wood didn't move to Dunsinane. But a combined force of Englishmen and Scotsmen were able to achieve that seemed impossibility. Their leaders were Malcolm, later King Malcolm III, the son of King Duncan I and his Uncle Siward, Earl of Northumberland. Malcolm suggested that each man cut and carry a bough for the march on Dunsinane Castle to hide the mass of their army. To those at the royal Castle, it looked as though the entire forest had become uprooted from Birnam Wood and was moving on Dunsinane.
The army issued by Malcolm cuts down branches from Birnham Wood and uses them for cover as they approach Dunsinane Hill.

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One of the witches' predictions had been the security of the life and reign of Macbeth [d. August 15, 1057] as long as Birnam Wood didn't move to Dunsinane. But a combined force of Englishmen and Scotsmen were able to achieve that seemed impossibility. Their leader was the subsequent King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093], the son of King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040]. Malcolm suggested that each man cut and carry a bough for the march on Dunsinane Castle.

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Q: How did the witches' prediction about Great Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane come true?
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What do statistics say about the world coming to an end?

"Statistics" indicate that the world is very likely to end at some point in time. No statistic is enough to guarantee what exactly will happen and any prediction is only that: a prediction.

What is the date in 2006 that the End of the world prediction was made?

June sixth they thought Satan was coming to destroy earth because the date is 666

What had William penn and other Quakers experience that would make them want a colony in America?

The Quakers came to the colonies, for the religious freedom to hang witches, Queen Victoria I of England. After Victoria's half sister known in history as , "Bloddy Mary", for what happened in the English churches. After Mary had accepted the Roman Catholic Church back into England after Henry VIII died, The Roman Catholic Church, Slaughtered priests, and paritioners for he racy, Blood flowed in the pews of the churches of England. Victoria, on coming to the throne, Threw the Roman Catholic Church out, and decreed certain changes in religious practice. One of which, any form of witch hunting, or harassment's of this kind, was to be forbidden. The last witches killed by members of The Church of England; were hanged at Salem pond. on the word of 3 young children. But how can one keep people coming to church and donating; Without The Power of Fear!

What years did you think the world would end?

I've never thought there was a particular year, but throughout history the end of the world has been predicted (it's been described as the greatest piece of vapourware ever!). Going through a few: Around 50AD; One of the earliest predictions was in the Bible which predicted the second coming of Jesus before the death of the last apostle. 992AD A scholar prophesied (the prophet died before 992AD) 999AD (essentially a nice round number since Jesus's birth). 1033AD (999 years since Jesus's death). 1186AD Astrological prediction. 1260AD Another scholar prediction. 1524AD Flood and apocalypse predicted for sure. 1532AD Various signs seen; interpreted as the apocalypse real soon. 1533AD Based on Revelations, for sure this year... 1624AD Turned out the 1524 prediction was 100 years late. This time. 1704AD Cardinal predicted end. 1736AD World flood predicted. 1881AD Somehow interpreting the Great Pyramid gets to 1881. 1936AD Another great Pyramid prediction. Special mention to Jehovah's Witnesses who predicted the end of the world in 1874, 1914 and 1975.

When is the mummy 4 coming out?

Yes, there will be a mummy 4 coming out

Related questions

How did Birnam Wood actually advance against Macbeth?

In the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, the prophecy that Macbeth receives from the witches states that he will not be defeated until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill. This prophecy is fulfilled when Malcolm's army disguises themselves with branches from Birnam Wood, giving the illusion that the forest is moving towards Macbeth's castle at Dunsinane.

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The witches predicted Macbeth's army would be defeated only if Birnam wood comes to his castle - APEX

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Macbeth is upset when he sees Malcolm's army carrying branches from Birnam Wood because it fulfills the witches' prophecy that he would not be defeated until Birnam Wood moved to Dunsinane. This sight signals to Macbeth that his downfall is imminent, as the prophecy is seemingly coming true.

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In Act 5 Scene 6, a Messenger arrived at Dunsinane, the royal castle of Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. He brought the news that Birnam Wood appeared to be moving towards Dunsinane. He said that the forest appeared already to have moved within three miles of the royal castle.

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In Act 5 Scene 5 of the Shakespearean play, a Messenger gained entrance into the royal castle at Dunsinane. The bearer of bad news usually suffered at the hands of the recipient of the bad news. So the messenger understandably was worried exactly how to tell Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] of the latest unfavorable developments. The news was not only bad, but weird. The messenger was in the uncomfortable position of telling Macbeth that Birnam Wood was moving towards Dunsinane. Macbeth didn't like the news. One of the predictions that the three witches had shared with him about his future career moves was the threat of Birnam Wood moving to Dunsinane. What neither the Messenger nor Macbeth knew at the time was the plucking and carrying of forest boughs by the 10,000 soldiers under Siward, Earl of Northumberland and General of the English forces. The boughs were intended to camouflage and protect the soldiers as they marched to their chosen battlegrounds outside Macbeth's royal residence.

What is the significance of malcolms army carrying branches?

Of course, they are carrying the branches ostensibly for camouflage, but in this way they fulfill the prophecy about Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane. It also reflects the appearance of the third apparition, a crowned child carrying a tree.

What is the use of the whole Birnam wood episode?

The Birnam wood episode in Shakespeare's Macbeth serves as a fulfillment of the witches' prophecy, adding to the atmosphere of supernatural elements in the play. It also symbolizes the theme of deceptive appearances, as the advancing soldiers use the branches to camouflage their numbers. This event contributes to Macbeth's sense of impending doom and his realization that the witches' prophecies are coming true.

What is Macbeth referring to when she says to doubt the equivocation of the fiend?

I see that in your production you have cast Macbeth with a woman. That's interesting. (otherwise you must say "he says" not "she says") The quotation you are referring to is: If thou speak'st false, Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive, Till famine cling thee: if thy speech be sooth, I care not if thou dost for me as much. I pull in resolution, and begin To doubt the equivocation of the fiend That lies like truth: 'Fear not, till Birnam wood Do come to Dunsinane:' and now a wood Comes toward Dunsinane. He's speaking to a messenger who has just told him that Birnam wood is coming to Dunsinane, an event about which he said, earlier in the play, "That can never be!" As the passage clearly shows, he says that if the messenger is telling the truth, he cannot rely on the prophecy "fear not, till Birnam wood do come to Dunsinane", because it is "equivocation"--it seems to say one thing and means another. And who is the "fiend that lies like truth"? You'll need three guesses because there were three of them around that cauldron.

Why is it appropriate that Malcolm give the order to cut down trees for use as camouflage?

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