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it forced Japan to surrender to the united staes

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Q: How did the use of atomic bombs affect the events of world war2?
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Atomic bombs affected the events in world war 2 how?


Which of these technological developments did not affect the world economies during World War I?

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What affect did hirohito have on world war 2?

He affected the world by attacking Pear Harbor leading to the bombings from the United States that dropped 2 bombs, atomic bombs to be precise, on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

What events ended World War 2 in the pacific?

The dropping of the Atomic bomb on Nagasaki

What lasting effects have the use of atomic bombs had on the world?

The atomic age.

Names of atomic bombs?

the world war

Haw many A-bombs did Britain have in World War 2?

Atomic bombs- Zero.

What were the impacts the atomic bombs of 1945 had on the world?

We have learned at how destuctive they can be and that atomic bombs really don't need to be used unless we really need them.

How did the atomic bomb of pearl harbor effect the world?

There was no atomic bombs on Pearl Harbor

How many atomic bombs were dropped on Japan during World War I?

None. The first atomic bomb was dropped decades after World War 1 finished. Atomic bombs weren't used in war until World War II.

What weapons were invented in world war2?

Rockets and atomic bombs.

Did Britain use atomic bombs in World War 2?
