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Both western allies n Soviet Russia never fully trusted each other during WWII, but had no choice but too foarm an alliance after Hitler and nazi Germany attacked opening the eastern front . What ever trust and alliance was perty much over in the last days of European campaign as both sides raced to Berlin to capture Germanys best scientists and top secret technologys Von Brown,jet engines,rockets and foundation for splitting the atom. Tensions between east and west began to heat up after disputes on how to devide Europe and Soviets holding American B52 witch made emergency landing at the end of Pacific part of war. It was called the cold war cause there was no direct fighting but sides and aids were taken in Korea , Bay of Pigs and Afghanistan. I left alot of detail out cause I could go on and on just bout what happens between the two sides in W W I I but think I gave the lagist of that pissing contest. Let me know if I have something wrong?

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Q: How did the tensions between the united states and soviet union start and where in the world did this boil over into confrontation and fighting?
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