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The major effect of the Great Depression and the New Deal on America was expanded government intervention into new areas of social and economic affairs and the creation of more social assistance agencies at the national level. The relationship between the national government and the people changed drastically. The government took on a greater role in the everyday social and economic lives of the people. The New Deal programs of FDR also created a liberal political alliance made up of labor unions, blacks and other ethnic and religious minorities, intellectuals, the poor, and some farmers. These groups became the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades following the Depression. As the federal government grew with new agencies and reform attempts, the cost of government increased. The grow of the government continued following the New Deal.

The Great Depression and the New Deal measure led to the domestic programs of JFK's New Frontier, and LBJ's Great Society and War on Poverty. The New Deal measures have also an influence on the current Obama administration, in its attempts to stimulate the economy.

The reconstruction took power away from the States and put them in the hands of s central government. The Nation was based on the States rights and having sovereignty FROM the Federal Government. The Federal Government was initially formed to act as a meeting place and body for the States to come together and make law. That has all changed. States Rights no longer supersede Federal rights. In our country today, Federal Law is the law of the land. This country can only be run by the citizens of the individual states, That was why the Senate and Congress were set up, So each state was represented in the Federal Government. When new federal programs took the lead, the state became the pawns of Big Government and now, if a State does not comply with Federal Law or recommendations, they are penalized by the Federal Government.

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Q: How did the role of the federal government in US citizens lives change during the period of Reconstruction?
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