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by burning a picture of his butt on the cross

wow your a jerk get out of here please and thank you

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Q: How did the celebrations for Stalins seventieth birthday suggest he had assumed god like status?
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What were Joseph Stalin's Influences?

In theory, Stalin is assumed to be primarily influenced by Karl Marx (father of communism). However in reality his actions appear to be much more deeply influenced by the ideas of Nietzsche- a German philosopher. Nietzsche's ideas on individualism, 'hard' people and his Fesitval of Cruelty are stamped throughout Stalins time in power

Who assumed as a dear to the god in the Indian history?

Asoka is assumed as a dear to god Regards Sanil

Who took over after Julius Caesar was stabbed?

Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.Marc Antony assumed sole power for a time after Caesar was killed, as he was Caesar's co-consul.

Who assumed the power after emporer Komei died?

Emperor Kōmei was emperor of Japan from 1846 through 1867. Emperor Meiji assumed power after he died.

A leader of the provisional government that assumed power after the march 1917 revolution was?

Alexander Kerensky was a leader of the provisional government that assumed power after the March 1917 revolution.

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What is a birthday attack?

A birthday attack is a method of code decryption which exploits the birthday paradox - that which explains that within a class of 30 students, there is an assumed probability of two sharing the same birthday of 70 percent.

Did Jacob Marley celebrate Christmas?

There is no reference to Marley being a lover of Christmas. However, based on his words it is assumed like Scrooge that he did not part take of any celebrations at ths time

What is Ben Tennyson's bith date from the cartoon Ben 10?

Unknown, but it is assumed to be in December because Gwen and Ben share a birthday, and Gwen's birthday is sometime in December.

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It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.

What were Joseph Stalin's Influences?

In theory, Stalin is assumed to be primarily influenced by Karl Marx (father of communism). However in reality his actions appear to be much more deeply influenced by the ideas of Nietzsche- a German philosopher. Nietzsche's ideas on individualism, 'hard' people and his Fesitval of Cruelty are stamped throughout Stalins time in power

How old is Beyond Birthday?

29 The answer is NOT 29. Beyond Birthday's birthdate is UNKNOWN. It is ASSUMED that he is no more than 5 years younger than L, making his age at death near 21 to 22. In most fanart, he is depicted at this age.

What is allegedly mean?

Something that was assumed to have happened, but not proven.Something that was assumed to have happened, but not proven.Something that was assumed to have happened, but not proven.Something that was assumed to have happened, but not proven.Something that was assumed to have happened, but not proven.Something that was assumed to have happened, but not proven.

What eastern Roman Emperor assumed the throne in 527?

Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.

What eastern roman emporer assumed the throne in 527 CE?

Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.

What eastern roman emperor assumed the throne in 527 C.E?

Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.

Does Chandler attend Ross' Birthday?

Yes he does. They go with Monica to see Hootie and the Blowfish while the other three friends stayed at home. It is assumed that if there were ever a birthday party for Ross, Chandler would attend as he is Ross' best friend and brother-in-law.

Who assumed the title ekrat?

Mahapadmananda is assumed Ekrat