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In 1621, Dutch merchants formed the Dutch West India Company to start a colony in America. The first Dutch colonists settled along the upper Hudson where they built Fort Orange, near present-day Albany, New York. The new colonists quickly found that there were good profits to be made in the fur trade. They established trading posts along the Hudson RIver. The largest was on Manhattan Island at the river's mouth.

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Harvey Schowalter

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2y ago
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Queenie Botsford

Lvl 10
2y ago

In 1621, Dutch merchants formed the Dutch West India Company to start a colony in America. The first Dutch colonists settled along the upper Hudson where they built Fort Orange, near present-day Albany, New York. The new colonists quickly found that there were good profits to be made in the fur trade. They established trading posts along the Hudson RIver. The largest was on Manhattan Island at the river's mouth.

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14y ago

In 1621, Dutch merchants formed the Dutch West India Company to start a colony in America. The first Dutch colonists settled along the upper Hudson where they built Fort Orange, near present-day Albany, New York. The new colonists quickly found that there were good profits to be made in the fur trade. They established trading posts along the Hudson RIver. The largest was on Manhattan Island at the river's mouth.

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Q: How did the Netherlands establish territorial claims in north America?
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Which expression about US territorial claims was coined by the journalist John O'Sullivan?

manifest destiny

Which country gave Hitler the confidence that he would not be opposed for territorial claims in eastern Europe Where was he from?


What was the impact of the French and Indian war?

It meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World.

What was the primary impact of the French and Indian war?

It meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World.

What was the name of the agreement that worked to settle territorial claims and refugee issues after the Six-Day War?

It was UN Resolution 242

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How Spain established territorial claims in North America.?

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How did Spain establish territorial claims in the Caribbean and south America?

Spain established territorial claims by sending Christopher Columbus to claim land for the Spain.

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France, Spain, England, and the Netherlands i think...

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How did the Netherlands establish territorial claims North America?

In 1621, Dutch merchants formed the Dutch West India Company to start a colony in America. The first Dutch colonists settled along the upper Hudson where they built Fort Orange, near present-day Albany, New York. The new colonists quickly found that there were good profits to be made in the fur trade. They established trading posts along the Hudson RIver. The largest was on Manhattan Island at the river's mouth.

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