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The Missouri Compromise did not provoke much hostility; it was a successful arrangement, based on a single line of latitude, North of which slavery would be illegal.

It was when the new territories from Mexico were added to the USA that a new compromise was needed. Most of the terms favoured the North, so Congress had to make a dramatic act of appeasement of the South with the Fugitive Slave Act, forcing ordinary citizens to become unpaid slave-catchers. This caused Harriet Beecher Stowe to write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' which recruited many people to the cause of Abolitionism.

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Many Southerners felt slavery was an economic necessity. Many Northerners felt that slavery was morally wrong. Northern factories wanted tariffs to help their industry which hurt Southerners buying goods in Europe with their cotton exports. When Calhoun wanted to nullify the tariff, Andrew Jackson said he would bring in the US Army to stop him. The Missouri Compromise was done to keep the number of slave and free states equal. These were band aids to keep the country together and worked until 1861, when South Carolina seceded from the Union.

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Q: How did the Missouri Compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrate increasing sectional competition and disagreements over slavery?
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How was the Nullification Crisis 1833 in resolved?

A compromise tariff, supported by President Jackson, was passed.

How was the Nullification Crisis 1833?

Congress made a compromise tariff to satisfy southern states.

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The nullification crisis was similar to the concerns that brought about the Missouri Compromise as both started as arguments about states' rights.