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The Mexican war of Independence started because the Spanish in Spain were invaded by Napoleon, and the King Charles IV, abdicated in favour of his son who also abdicated in favour of the brother of Napoleon Joseph, the french were after the territories and Kingdoms that Spain posses in America, so when their were no legal authorities in Spain the Spanish people fought for their Independence from France and we also fought for the same cause in the beginning we were not fighting to get our Independence from Spain but our Independence from France the New Spanish authorities did not recognize Napoleon as King of Spain, and that is how the war started, later on we knew that we had to fight for our Independence since we were the richest Kingdom from Spain, the people who started the war were well lectured people like Priests, and some officers from the Royal Army, but the foot soldier were peasants who had no military training, and no weapons that is why the war lasted so many years, people like Antonio López de Santana were on the Royal Army and fought against the Independence movement.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

only the mexican war of independence eliminateed spanish colonial control over part of North America

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Q: How did the Mexican War of Independence differ from the American Revolution?
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How did the Mexican war on independence differ from the American revolution?

Only the mexican war of independence eliminated spanish colonial control over part of north america.

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Answer this question… Only the Mexican Revolution eliminated Spanish colonial control over part of North America.

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Answer this question… Only the Mexican Revolution eliminated Spanish colonial control over part of North America.

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Answer this question… Only the Mexican Revolution eliminated Spanish colonial control over part of North America.

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Answer this question… Only the Mexican Revolution eliminated Spanish colonial control over part of North America.

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