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President Wilson gave his speech about the Fourteen Points in 1918 when Manifest Destiny was accomplished. The Monroe Doctrine was focused on European involvement with the Americas. Wilson claimed that he wanted to stop colonization and he wished to create a League of Nations that would be dedicated to the prevention of international conflicts. In 1919, 44 countries signed the treaty that established the League of Nations however because of the isolationists in Congress the United States was not one of those who signed. Due to the lack of participation of the United States the League of Nations was a failed attempt at a general association of nations.

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Q: How did the Fourteen Points a departure from the philosophies of the Monroe Doctrine and manifest destiny?
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The reason the people of the United States felt like it was their right and duty to spread across the continent of North America was based on one idea called Manifest Destiny, which has the famous quote: "From sea to shining sea." Manifest Destiny was accomplished through the Monroe Doctrine, if you wish to learn more go to Wikipedia and look up the Monroe Doctrine or Manifest Destiny. I hope this answer helped.