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The prospect of going to Heaven was very important to all Europeans in the Middle ages, and all of them also feared going to Hell. Someone could only go to Heaven if they proved that they were good and showed their love of God at their church, so everyone that wanted to go to Heaven when they died had to go to church. The Pope held power over the church, and he could close the church, cancel services, and excommunicate people. If the church was closed/services were canceled, then people wouldn't be able to show their loyalty to God and they couldn't go to heaven, and if they had been excommunicated by the Pope, that meant they weren't allowed to go to Heaven unless the Pope lifted the excommunication. The Pope/Christian church could use this power to threaten people and therefore have a lot of power over everybody; this was how King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.

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Pinkie Davis

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2y ago
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Bailee Hand

Lvl 10
2y ago

The Christian church was the only unifying force for all of Europe since Europe at the time was regional kingdoms. The Papacy was strong leadrship and took for Roman Emperors. the christian church also created cathedral schools (universities) and had libral arts education. It also created social inequality (those who pray, those who fight, and those who work) Also the christian church looked to spread Christianity by launching the crusades.

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Zula Muller

Lvl 13
2y ago

The Christian church was the only unifying force for all of Europe since Europe at the time was regional kingdoms. The Papacy was strong leadrship and took for Roman Emperors. the christian church also created cathedral schools (universities) and had libral arts education. It also created social inequality (those who pray, those who fight, and those who work) Also the christian church looked to spread Christianity by launching the crusades.

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Alyson Reynolds

Lvl 13
1y ago

The prospect of going to Heaven was very important to all Europeans in the Middle ages, and all of them also feared going to Hell. Someone could only go to Heaven if they proved that they were good and showed their love of God at their church, so everyone that wanted to go to Heaven when they died had to go to church. The Pope held power over the church, and he could close the church, cancel services, and excommunicate people. If the church was closed/services were canceled, then people wouldn't be able to show their loyalty to God and they couldn't go to heaven, and if they had been excommunicated by the Pope, that meant they weren't allowed to go to Heaven unless the Pope lifted the excommunication. The Pope/Christian church could use this power to threaten people and therefore have a lot of power over everybody; this was how King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.

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11y ago

The prospect of going to Heaven was very important to all Europeans in the Middle ages, and all of them also feared going to Hell. Someone could only go to Heaven if they proved that they were good and showed their love of God at their church, so everyone that wanted to go to Heaven when they died had to go to church. The Pope held power over the church, and he could close the church, cancel services, and excommunicate people. If the church was closed/services were canceled, then people wouldn't be able to show their loyalty to God and they couldn't go to heaven, and if they had been excommunicated by the Pope, that meant they weren't allowed to go to Heaven unless the Pope lifted the excommunication. The Pope/Christian church could use this power to threaten people and therefore have a lot of power over everybody; this was how King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.

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12y ago

The Christian church was the only unifying force for all of Europe since Europe at the time was regional kingdoms. The Papacy was strong leadrship and took for Roman Emperors. the christian church also created cathedral schools (universities) and had libral arts education. It also created social inequality (those who pray, those who fight, and those who work) Also the christian church looked to spread Christianity by launching the crusades.

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12y ago

The Christian church exerted control over Europeans in the Middle Ages by amassing political power and with its numerous land holdings as well as with its spiritual authority.

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Who were the western Europeans most influenced by during the middle ages?

Despite The King being in charge the church, as long as The King was faithful, could literally take control saying what they want is God's will

The crusades was a series is military expeditions tarried carried out by Christian Europeans in Middle Ages to regain control of?

The first crusades were to gain control of Jerusalem from the Muslims. The second crusade was to regain control of Edessa, and was lost by Christian Europeans.

What were the religious persecutions in the Middle Ages?

The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages were the primary source of persecution during the Middle Ages. They persecuted the Jewish people, Protestants, anyone that did not believe in the Bible, and anyone they thought was a witch. The Catholic Church and Christians persecuted and killed Jews because they blamed the Jews for Jesus' death. The Jews were often blamed for wrongdoings in the community and Christians used that as an excuse to persecute and kill them. Both the Catholic Church and Jews persecuted Christians (Protestant and other new denominations) during the Middle Ages because they strayed away from typical beliefs. Another group of people that were persecuted were people believed to be witches. They were hated by the Catholic Church and Christians and thought to be evil and working with the devil. People who were accused to be witches were tortured until they confessed. This probably led to a false confession the majority of the time.

What were the crusades and how did they effect European culture society and trade?

The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages ; medieval times. Western European Christians sought to gain control of Palestine, the land where Jesus lived, died, and according to Christians, was resurrected, from the Muslims. While Christian Crusaders never achieved more than temporary control of Jerusalem, the Crusades had many lasting effects on Western European societies. These effects profoundly changed the lives of Western Europeans. One of the many effects of the Crusades was that the pope and the kings of Western Europe became more powerful. In addition, Europeans began to trade with the Middle East. Trade increased as Western Europeans began to buy products like sugar, lemons, and spices. Naturally, increased trade led to increased cultural diffusion. Crusaders and traders learned about Arab art, architecture, medicine, and mathematics. Since the Arabs were very advanced in science and mathematics, Western European knowledge increased. Finally, after traveling to the Middle East, may Western Europeans began to see their small villages as uninteresting and even boring. Many Western Europeans began to seek adventure. They became explorers like Colombus, Magellan, Vasco DeGama, and Irene Barry

Who are the western alchemists?

The Europeans from the Middle Ages.

Related questions

Who were the western Europeans most influenced by during the middle ages?

Despite The King being in charge the church, as long as The King was faithful, could literally take control saying what they want is God's will

What two groups fought control of Europe in middle ages?

Christians and Muslims !

What problems did the church refomers have in the middle ages?

There were no reformers. The Catholic church was in full control of the society.

The crusades was a series is military expeditions tarried carried out by Christian Europeans in Middle Ages to regain control of?

The first crusades were to gain control of Jerusalem from the Muslims. The second crusade was to regain control of Edessa, and was lost by Christian Europeans.

How did the church control the contary in the middle ages?

They gave away land

Why did some Christians see the need for church reforms during middle ages?

The original message was being lost in all the religion.

What governments do Christians have in the middle east?

Christians currently control no country in the Middle East. All of the Middles East is primarily Moslem, except for Israel which is primarily Jewish. In most of these countries Christians have a protected status, but it is something that is more of a "paper right" than an actual de facto right.

Where is a Christian's special place?

Usually in the presence of God and that does not necessarily mean it has to be in a church, even though church is a special place for Christians. Fellowship with family or with other Christians also is a special place for a Christian to be. Places like Israel and other middle east countries are special places for Christians because of shared biblical history.

What were beliefs about salvation during the middle ages?

The Catholic church was the only religion in the middle ages and it taught that man was born in sin and to reach heaven he needed to do as the church told him. The church was seen as the "middle man" between man and God. If a person was excommunicated by the church he/she would not be saved and that there would be no salvation for them.

Who had control over the general population during the Middle Ages and How?

the pope because he ruled the church and everyone had to follow him or they would be kicked out of the church and are you tlc?

What were the religious persecutions in the Middle Ages?

The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages were the primary source of persecution during the Middle Ages. They persecuted the Jewish people, Protestants, anyone that did not believe in the Bible, and anyone they thought was a witch. The Catholic Church and Christians persecuted and killed Jews because they blamed the Jews for Jesus' death. The Jews were often blamed for wrongdoings in the community and Christians used that as an excuse to persecute and kill them. Both the Catholic Church and Jews persecuted Christians (Protestant and other new denominations) during the Middle Ages because they strayed away from typical beliefs. Another group of people that were persecuted were people believed to be witches. They were hated by the Catholic Church and Christians and thought to be evil and working with the devil. People who were accused to be witches were tortured until they confessed. This probably led to a false confession the majority of the time.

What is in middle of the church?

you are in the middle of the church(UR)