A broad question worthy of a PhD thesis - of a lengthy and complex answer not possible here and impossibel to summarise properly in a short answer.
The 2nd Century BCE absorption of the traditional small farm and comon land in Italy by the large land owners had the follow on effct of their using cheap slave labour, the availability and cost of which was greatly improved as the empire expanded.
This phase lasted for five centuries when and alterative and cheaper solution progressivly emerged - serfdom. The serf was semi-free, bound to the land, replaced himsef, looked after, fed and housed himself, reproduced and so replaced himself, and paid a percentage of his earnings/production to the landowner - a no cost, no worry outcome, replacing having to buy, care for, accomodate and replace slaves.
Slavery was widely practiced in the Roman Empire, and medieval people inherited the practice from them.
The Vikings had a significant impact on the Roman Empire during their interactions and conflicts. They raided and pillaged Roman territories, causing destruction and instability. The Vikings also contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire by weakening its defenses and economy. Their attacks forced the Romans to divert resources and attention away from other threats, ultimately contributing to the empire's downfall.
It didn't solely - it failed through the overwhelming influx of Eurasian peoples.
The impact of the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire upon the architecture of the time is hard. When it was made the republic was never restored. The installation of the Princeps came with it more structures of grand design. The Pantheon, the arch of Titus, and the Colosseum might serve as examples of this.
The decision to make Christianity the official religion of the empire and its subsequent banning of all pagan worship had the big impact on Roman religion.
What impact did slavery have on the deterioration of the Roman economy?
The Western Roman Empire was Western Europe
manorialism had a good impact on the roman empire becaused it helpeed the society stay in order it helped people alot
Slavery was widely practiced in the Roman Empire, and medieval people inherited the practice from them.
The slavery in the Roman Era lasted until the fall of the Empire. It has been calculated that at least 25% of the population of the Empire was enslaved. In Italy the percentage was between 30 and 40% as it is noted by several scholars.
it helped them to protect Britain
The Roman Empire was never divided.
Specify 'the following'.
Some say Roman Empire, Others say Chinese depends on who you ask. I belive the Roman Empire had the biggest impact on modern day.
The Catholic faith came AFTER the Roman empire fell.
Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.