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Puritans wanted to purify the church and not have some many rules. Seperatists wanted to seperate from the church and make their own denomination

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Q: How did puritans differ from Seperatists?
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Are seperatists and puritans the same thing?

No they are not because puritans wanted to perfect Christianity and the separatists were lots of people from a different religions.

What groups settled in the new England colonies?

Catholics, Puritans, Seperatists, Angicans and Quackers.

What was the main religious difference between the separatists and the ordinary puritans?

Seperatists wanted just that, to separate from the church of England. Puritans want to clean up the corruption found within.

What was the main religious difference between the Separatists and ordinary Puritans?

Seperatists wanted just that, to separate from the church of England. Puritans want to clean up the corruption found within.

4 Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican Church were called?

I believe it was the Puritans. i'm with connections academy too... we have the same question .

What is the difference between the seperist puritans and non-seperatists puritans?

Separatist Puritans believed in completely separating from the Church of England and forming their own independent congregations. Non-separatist Puritans, on the other hand, wanted to reform the Church of England from within. Ultimately, the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth were Separatist Puritans, while the Puritans who settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony were mostly non-separatists.

How many of the people on the mayflower were puritans?

None. The people on the Mayflower were Pilgrims. Pilgrims were seperatists from the Church of England. -founded Plymouth colony Puritans came in a later expedition (flagship:Arbella). Theywere Non-seperatists. -Made Mass Bay Colony

Both the Puritans and William Penn viewed their colonies as Holy experiments How did they differ?

Both the Puritans and William Penn viewed their colonies as "holy experiments." How did they differ?

How did the goals of the Jamestown colonists differ from those of the puritans in Massachusetts?

Jamestown was settled to make a profit. Massachusetts was founded to ensure religious freedom for Puritans... and only puritans.

How did the goals of the Jamestown colonists differ from those of the puritans colonists in Massachusetts?

Jamestown was settled to make a profit. Massachusetts was founded to ensure religious freedom for Puritans... and only puritans.

How did the puritans' and the pilgrims' view the Anglican church differ?

puritan's were pilgrims