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Through simple economic practices such as creating jobs and encouraging Americans to spend.

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Q: How did president Roosevelt feel the issues of the Great Depression needed to be addressed?
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What was the purpose of the black cabinet in the Great Depression?

Organized group of influential African Americans to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues.

What was Franklin D Roosevelt's role in the Great Depression?

By the 1920s, Roosevelt, who raised five children, was involved in Democratic Party politics and numerous social reform organizations. In the White House, she was one of the most active first ladies in history and worked for political, racial and social justice. After President Roosevelt’s death, Eleanor was a delegate to the United Nations and continued to serve as an advocate for a wide range of human rights issues. She remained active in Democratic causes and was a prolific writer until her death at age 78.

The issues of the sale of indulgences and of the worldly lives of the clergy were addressed by?

the answer is 1

What was President Franklin Roosevelt's foreign trade policy?

In the 1920s and 1930s, the Democratic party was the party of free trade, while the Republican party was more protectionist. The 1930 Smoot-Hawley tariff was based by a Republican Congress and the Republican President at the time- Hoover. Roosevelt promised to lower tariffs on a bilateral basis, and there were moves towards freer trade. However, given that the nation was mired in Depression, Americans were much more concerned with domestic issues rather than tariffs.

Which Amendment addressed the issues of equal protection and due process on the Federal level but not the state level?

the 14th

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What issues were responsible for FDR victory in 1932?

For the most part Franklin D. Roosevelt won the election for president in 1932 because of the dire straits of the US economy. The sitting president, US President Hoover, was blamed for the depression. To many people Roosevelt was seen as the best hope to have the economy recover.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt skillfully used broadcast media, particularly through his "fireside chats," to build a personal connection with the American people. Through these radio broadcasts, Roosevelt addressed pressing issues of the time, explained his policies, and reassured the nation during the Great Depression and World War II. His warm and conversational tone made him relatable to Americans and helped instill confidence and trust in his leadership.

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RooRoosevelt and the Democrats were facing the Great Depression.

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Theodore Roosevelt's philosophy in terms of dealing with antitrust issues was to regulate, instead of prosecute, whenever possible. Roosevelt was the 26th U.S. President.

What was the purpose of the black cabinet in the Great Depression?

Organized group of influential African Americans to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues.

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