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He claimed that he did not have to reveal the tapes because of executive order.

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Q: How did president Nixon attempt to increase the power of the presidency?
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What president who resigned from presidency?

Richard Nixon

Who was the president who gave up their presidency?

Richard Nixon gave up the presidency when he resigned on August 9, 1974.

Who was the only president who resigned the office of the presidency?

Richard Nixon

When did Nixon's presidency begin?

Richard Nixon was sworn in as US President on 20 January 1969 at noon.

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Nixon had to resign the presidency and Ford became president.

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Richard M. Nixon was elected President at age 55.

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Only at the start of his time as presidency.

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Ford becoming President was unique because he is the only person to have held the office of President without being elected to either the presidency or the vice presidency. He ascended to the presidency after Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned and President Richard Nixon resigned, making him the only person to become President without winning a national election.

Where did President Nixon reside before presidency?

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