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Big Business leaders in the 1800's were lucky to live during the Gilded Age, a time of industrial growth that business leaders took advantage of ( incidentally, lucrative business dealers had alot of power politically because they were in control of all the industry). They gained political power, because they controlled much of the industry, and of money. They could threaten, bribe, or persuade people to vote them into office because they were wealthy.

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Q: How did political bosses like Boss Tweed gain political power in the 1800's?
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Most political bosses were a menace to their cities. They were just in it for the money and to hold power.

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Yes, they had a lot of power and influence. Workers did not have much rights, not like today. So the bosses had more influence and could almost do what they wanted with their employees.

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That quote is attributed to William M. "Boss" Tweed, an American politician who famously wielded power in New York City in the mid-1800s through political corruption and control of Tammany Hall. Tweed expressed a blatant disregard for the law and a belief in the supremacy of his own power.

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How did urban political machines gain power and how did immigrants middle-class reformers and political bosses view them?


Why was boss tweed a corrupt person?

Boss Tweed was a corrupt person because he engaged in political corruption, using his political power to amass wealth through illegal means such as bribery, kickbacks, and fraud. He manipulated the political system to benefit himself and his associates, exploiting his position for personal gain at the expense of the public. Tweed's corrupt practices eventually led to his downfall and imprisonment.

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Primary elections have taken away some of the power of party bosses.

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corruption or graft

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secret ballot

Explains how political bosses were able to gain and maintain power?

They bribed state and local officials in return for government appointments.

What did Williams tweeds corruption do?

Williams Tweed, also known as "Boss" Tweed, was a notoriously corrupt political figure in 19th century New York City. Tweed used his influence to amass a great deal of wealth and power through political patronage, bribery, and manipulation of contracts for public works projects. His corruption severely impacted the city's finances and led to significant mismanagement of public funds. Tweed's corrupt practices eventually led to his downfall and arrest.

How did the political cartoon by Thomas Nast play a role in the presecution of Boss Tweed?

The Thomas Nast cartoons brought to light to the public eye the corruption and greed of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall . The public , outraged , voted against this blatant abuse of power forcing Tweed to flee to Cuba but , ironically , it was Nast's own political cartoons of Tweed that people recognized Tweed and he was subsequently arrested .