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Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products.

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Hailee Grace Evans

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1y ago

Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products

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Q: How did human societies change as a result of job specialization during the Neolithic Revolution?
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How did Neolithic revolution change the way people lived?

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What was the Neolithic revolution characterized by?

The change from nomadic herding to settled farming.

What changes occurred during the neolithic revolution?

The important change that began the neolithic age was the discovery of agriculture in 8000 BC. At the time, men hunted and women gathered food and necessities. But, people discovered that some seeds a woman tossed had grown again, and that was the start of agriculture. Now that people farmed, they could stay in one spot and won't have to migrate, so they built villages.

How did the Neolithic revolution change society?

Some changes that occurred were that they changed from being hunter-gatherer based to being agriculture based. If the Ice Age hadn't ended... there never would have been a Neolithic Revolution! But I don't know what the Ice Age had to do with it! This is a homework assignment and I saw that this question was on WikiAnswers so I clicked on it and there was none! Thanks a lot people. Anyway... if you know the answer to the question about "What the Ice Age had to do with it" please enter the answer starting with "Hey Neolithic Revolution Person" so that I know that you were nice enough to answer my question! Back to my Homework!

Describe the Neolithic Revolution and its effect on human history?

The Neolithic Revolution, which begun 11,000 years ago, was when societies changed from hunting and gathering, to settled agriculture societies. With this revolution or major change, food supplies became more reliable as people domesticated animals and plant seed. Social and political systems developed in the settled societies.

Related questions

How did societies change as a result of job specialization during the neolithic revolution?

Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products.

How did human societies change the result of jobs specialization during the Neolithic revolution?

Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products.

What development of the Neolithic Age is called a revolution?

It is the change of human societies from Hunter-Gatherer to Agricultural.

How did the Neolithic revolution change humans?

This was the change from hunter gatherer societies to agricultural societies. By staying in one location and growing crops, there could be cities and a larger population.

How did Neolithic Revolution Change human Societies?

they love to run naked in town square and wiggle with each other

What economic change did the Neolithic revolution produce in early human societies?

The Neolithic revolution led to a shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, which resulted in settled communities, surplus food production, and the development of specialized labor. This economic change allowed for the growth of population, division of labor, trade, and the emergence of social hierarchies in early human societies.

What revolutionary change of the neolithic revolution was the shift?

The shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agriculture was a revolutionary change of the Neolithic Revolution. This shift allowed societies to produce their own food, leading to permanent settlements, population growth, and the development of more complex social structures.

What major changes in means of production did the Neolithic Revolution do?

The Neolithic Revolution marked a shift from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This led to the development of agriculture, domestication of plants and animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This change in means of production laid the foundation for more complex societies and the rise of civilizations.

Did the neolithic revolution change society by providing surplus by what?

Yes, the Neolithic Revolution changed society by enabling the production of surplus food through practices such as agriculture and animal domestication. This surplus led to increased population growth, development of permanent settlements, specialization of labor, and the emergence of social hierarchies.

What was the great change during the neolithic revolution?

what is the answer

Major change in means of production in neolithic revolution?

The major change in means of production during the Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture. This transition led to the domestication of plants and animals, the development of permanent settlements, and the establishment of a food surplus. These changes laid the foundation for the development of complex societies and civilizations.

How did you know neolithic revolution transform life?

The Neolithic Revolution transformed life by introducing agriculture and settled living, shifting societies from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to more stable communities. This change led to advancements in technology, increased food production, and the development of more complex social structures.