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when the continal congress was making the decleration the south wanted to keep the slaves so in order to establish the document and have the full 13 votes they had to let the south have slaves. both north and south had disputes over the years. when John Brown went to kansas in the 1800's he gatherd the mothers and children tied them up and kill the father in front of them. this was only for the plantation owners. this event was called Bleeding Kansa. john was trying to steel guns from the amo thing and Robert E. Lee told him to surender but john didnot so the generial of the US Army shot the ware house and killed him. this went on when PResident Lincon asked Robert E. Lee to be commander of the US army but since Lee's state was suceding he turned Lincoln down. Lincoln was hurt by that so he asked WIlliam Scott. durning the CIvil war The us had to change the Commanders 7times.. the last commander was Grant soon to be president. in the last year of war The confedersy pres. told LEe to go to grolia warfare but Lee said no lee did go to appromix court house.were he went to a home in that city and surneder to Grant well not letery. since then Wilks booth killed Lincon and said something in spanish than he jumped off the valcney and broke his leg. since than the Us trued to reconstruct the contry when things start to get worse like when the north said that the south will half to let African Americans have more rights the KKK started

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12y ago
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9y ago

Congress put into place popular sovereignty in the new land acquired from Mexico after the Mexican-American war. Popular sovereignty was the right for a state (or in this case, territory) to decided whether they want slavery in their state or territory. Popular sovereignty proved to be ineffective after the events of Bleeding Kansas, where the two separate governments in the new land of Kansas fought with each other.

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10y ago

To attempt to resolve the dispute between the North and South regarding slavery, Congress convened on December 3, 1849. The result of this convention was the Compromise of 1850.

The Compromise of 1850 allowed the New Mexico and Utah territories to choose, in the future, to become slave states. The South avoided adopting the Wilmot Proviso. A stronger Fugitive Slave Act was passed by Congress.

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11y ago

Congress attempted to resolve the north and south disputes that lead up to the civil war by enacting a number of agreed upon compromises that they hoped would appease both sides of the country.

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8y ago

By adding in Maine as a free state and adding in Missouri as a slave state to balance power between slave states(mostly southern) and free states(mostly northern)

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Q: How did congress attempt to resolve the dispute between the north and the south regarding slavery in the territories?
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How did the congress attempt to resolve the dispute between north and the south regarding slavery in the territories?

Congress attempted to resolve the north and south disputes that lead up to the civil war by enacting a number of agreed upon compromises that they hoped would appease both sides of the country.

How did congress attempt to resolve the dispute between the north and south regarding slavery in territories?

Congress attempted to resolve the north and south disputes that lead up to the civil war by enacting a number of agreed upon compromises that they hoped would appease both sides of the country.

How did congress attempt to resolve the dispute between north and the south regarding slavery in the territories?

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