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The US was getting out of the depression by 1940 but there was no unemployment during the War and the economy boomed from 1942 until the middle Seventies. Many people were able to save for the first time after the long depression and joblessness. They saved it to get married, buy homes, cars and go to college after the war. And they did.

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14y ago

World War 2 helped bring American industry out of the Depression by providing full employment to support the war effort.

During The Great Depression unemployment was at its highest in history. World War II sent countless men over to combat in Europe. The government paid these men for their time and sacrifice to their country. In addition, the war created an entire new industry that needed workers. Companies received government contracts to produce war-time necessities: guns, tanks, planes, etc.

These industries employed many people in the United States, including women. This is what brought about the Rose the Riveter campaign and posters that can still be seen today. Unemployment dropped immensely because all of these companies were not hiring.

As unemployment dropped, the United States pulled out of the recession. The war proved to be the medicine that the United States needed to pull out of the Depression.

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The production and sale of weapons is a lucrative field of endeavor.

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Q: How did World War 2 help pull the U.S. out of the Depression?
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Did World War 2 helped pull the American economy out of The Great Depression?

The US had begun to pull out of the Great Depression before 12/7/41 when they were attacked. The "war manufacturing machine" pulled the country out of the depression fully. Unemployment went away. Wages were improved. Lifestyles improved even with the rationing. After the war it improved more.

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It was the Great Depression.

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No, World War II ended the depression. When the United States joined the war, many jobs were created.

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I think we didn't go into a depression because we loaned weapons to the Allies during the beginning of world war 2. The money we received after the war kept us out of a depression.

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What is Franklin Roosevelt most known for?

Being elected a grand total of four times. Having congress pass policies that helped to pull us out of the Great Depression. Lastly, having the leadership skills necessary to help win World War 2.

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