Heart attack or stroke probably. His death was sudden and rather mysterious. His wife would not let an autopsy be performed so the cause of his death was a subject for much discussion. In fact, one man wrote a book accusing his wife of poisoning him.
Warren G. Harding was Caucasian.
warren g harding inaugurated coin worth money
3 laws that was passed when warren g harding was in offices?
Warren Harding went to Ohio Central College at age 15 and graduated in 1882.
Warren Harding, aged 25, married Florence Harding, aged 30, at her home in Marion, Ohio, on July 8, 1891.
Warren G. Harding - Texas politician - died in 2005.
Warren G. Harding was a Republican.
Warren G. Harding died on August 2, 1923 at the age of 57.
Warren G. Harding was Caucasian.
warren g harding died in office he died by having a heart attack
August 2, 1923
Warren G. Harding was the 29th President of the United States
Warren G. Harding's nickname was "Wobbly Warren."
Warren G. Harding was born on November 2, 1865.
Warren G. Harding's first job was as a teacher.
Warren G. Harding