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Truman wanted the troops to secure South Korea and once this was done the troops invaded North Korea as well. Truman was fine with this because he wanted free elections in Korea. However, MacArthur suggested to invade China because it was communists too. Truman disagreed with MacArthur and replaced him.

After the Inchon landings the United Nations army had thoroughly defeated the North Korean invasion, achieving their aims. MacArthur was a simple man and wanted to attack any enemy in front of him, not accept that wars are 'politics by other means' and must have political objectives and that military men must be subordinate to the government. He carried his attack right up to the border with newly-communist China, who were very threatened and allies with the heavily armed superpower, Russia. Truman had no intention of getting into a nuclear world war over Korea, but MacArthur was intent on provoking the Chinese and wanted to attack them. He commanded his army against the wished of the president and it was inevitable and right to remove him. MacArthur was never a very good military commander- losing the Philippines to an inferior Japanese force, demanding the removal of Australian general Rowell even as he was defeating the Japanese on the Kokoda Track, trying to divert resources away from the key US naval strategy in the Central Pacific, and walking into near-disaster in North Korea.

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Q: How did Truman and MacArthur differ over strategy in the Korean war?
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