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I think Becket died because of the worries and the temptation that he was going to killed by his friend Henry. I think Becket ralised the selfish actions he did to his truthful friend Henry.Henry was a good friend so he gave Thomas a life changing chance of being Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas found it very useful because being Archibishop of Caterbury means he would have control over people and gain lots of money.Things didn't go that well as it thought would have been. After Thomas became the Archibishop it was like Thomas transformed into a different person. The whole point that Henry made Thomas Archibishop was that Thomas could help Henry to control the church. Henry wanted Thomas to take control over the churhc and make the church weaker so that the King would have more power than the church. But Thomas started ignoring Henry and refused to make the church weaker. By doing this Henry got really angry. Bucket fled to France but came back and did more things that infuriated Henry. Henry became over tempted and accidentally shouted get rid off that troublesome priest. Henry didn't mean to do that. But the knights wanted Henry happy at all times so murdered Thomas Becket.In conclusion it was Henry's Becket's and knight's fault. If Becket had listened to Henry he could have prevented the murder. If Henry controlled his temtation he could prevented the murder of his friend and finally if the Knights had waited patiently for clear orders from the king they could prevented the murder of Thomas Becket.By Aby Jacob @ HFTC

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Well i don't know the first part there is a bit about him wanting to excommunicate another member of parliament but Henry didn't want to then Thomas fled to France came back and then Henry the Second in a fit of rage yelled, "Will no one rid me of him!" His guards hearing this ran to Canterbury Cathedral and murdered Thomas Becket. Henry was shocked that he had been taken seriously and was forever after repentant.

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Q: How did Thomas Becket die?
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Canterbury cathedral was the location of the martyrdom of St Thomas Becket.

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Thomas Becket was killed by knights . Whether or not that King Henry told him to, we just don't know.

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No, Thomas Becket was not a missionary.

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Thomas Becket was born on December 21, 1118.

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The date of the martyrdom of St Thomas Becket was 29 December 1170, at around 5 in the afternoon (monks were just beginning the Office of Vespers).

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Thomas Becket was born on December 21, 1118.

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Thomas Becket's middle name was Edward.

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Thomas Becket's was the first to die due to a severe cold in winter. Evidence proves that she died before her husband from letters to Becket from his father ".....thy mother wouldst be happy if she lived....."

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Thomas Becket was not called Thomas à Becket during his own lifetime. He was called Thomas à Becket, by people who wrote about him much later, possibly in imitation of the name Thomas à Kempis, who was another medieval monk. Also Thomas Becket was commonly known as "Thomas à Becket", although this form seems not to have been contemporaneous, but a post-Reformation adornment, possibly in imitation ofThomas à Kempis.

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