The Sadducees were Priestly Order and so they dressed as the Priests were commanded. Individuals who followed the Sadducees dressed similarly to other common folk who lived in the Judea Region.
See the link below for pictures and descriptions of Priestly Dress.
It is nearly impossible to understand what it is that you are asking, because it could easily be multiple different questions: "What were the theological problems inherent in Sadducee belief?" "Why were the Sadducees unable to accept Jesus?" "Why did the Sadducee movement die out?" "What made the Sadducees unable to become the dominant Jewish movement in their own time?"Please resubmit your question in a more clear way.Answer:The Sadducees were materialistic in outlook. They did not believe in life after death or any reward or punishment beyond this life.
The Sadducees were actually more of political sect. Among their numbers were some priests who served in the Temple. The Sadducees were part of the council that administered Temple laws.Answer:They didn't have any permanent position in the Temple. They took positions of power wherever and whenever they could, and drifted away when things became unfavorable. This is one of the major reasons why God allowed the Second Destruction to happen: at that time the Sadducees, Essenes and other breakaway groups left Judaism altogether.
Being the upper social and economic echelon of Judean society, the Sadducees generally got on well with the Romans.
At my school the first level dance dress for the really little kids is called the river dress, the second level dress is the green dress, the dress that you wear for team dances is the black dress, and the fancy, sparkley dress that you have to qualift for id the solo dress. There are no 2 solo dresses alike in the entire world.
The Pharisees and Sadducees were Jewish religious and political organizations. A person did not become a Pharisee or a Sadducee unless one informally converted from the other (or another sect of contemporaneous Judaism). This is similar to how one would change from being an Anglican to an Episcopalian or the reverse. A further similarity is that membership in these groups was typically passed from father to son. This was certainly more prevalent in the Sadducees where knowing your ancestry was critical to proving why you should have membership in the group. (Sadducee is in Hebrew Zadoki (צדוקי) from the name of the High Priest during King David's time Zadok (צדוק). All Sadducees claimed be part of the Cohen-line, but specifically were the cultural heirs, if not genetic heirs, of Zadok.) The Pharisees had, for wont of a better term, more open admission. The Pharisaic movement was a populist movement, incorporating local traditions and practices into Judaism. It argued that the Sadducees were no longer traditional and had been corrupted by their power to abrogate the tradition, while the people retained the religion amidst their poverty. Those who held this view, could join the Pharisees and their religious view. The Pharisees, like the Sadducees, and even Jesus himself on occasions, viewed non-Jewish inhabitants of Roman Palestine with disdain. These inhabitants included the Samarians and Arameans. These peoples could never become Pharisees or Sadducees.
It is pronounced "sad-you-sees."
i think the sadducees had a strong relationship for the romans; Visa-Versa.
persocuted Jesus
persocuted Jesus
Because they only believed in what Moses taught and what was right by him.
Yes the sadducees were always there to try and catch Jesus if he made a mistake.
The Pharisees.
Matthew 22:23 - The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him and asked Him,[NKJV]
The Pharisees and the Sadducees.
No, at least not as Messiah.
The Pharisees, the Priests, the Lawyers, the Scribes, and the Sadducees.