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Answer:He suggested the Great Compromise or the Connecticut Compromise. He believed that rather than two houses of government each based on population, or one house with each state being represented equally, the US should have two houses. One was to be based on population, the House of Representatives; and the other was to represent each state equally, no matter the size of the state. He also suggested that rather than parting with the southern states because of their customs regarding slavery, they should put up with slave trade for a maximum of ten years, then abolish it. At that time, the southern states would've had a much weaker economy with out slaves, and would not have been able to support themselves.
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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Roger Sherman of Connecticut proposed the Great Compromise (also known as the Connecticut Compromise) at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The Great Compromise solved the problem of how states would be represented in the national legislature; it called for equal representation in one house of Congress (the Senate) and representation based on population in the other house (the House of Representatives). The other two famous plans at the Convention were the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. The Virginia Plan, which was favored by states with large populations, dealt with the issue of representation by proposing a two-house legislative, in which the number of representatives each state received in both houses depended on its population; and the New Jersey Plan, favored by states with small populations, featured a unicameral legislature, in which each state received one vote.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

he contributed to this by helping John Handcok with it

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Q: How did Roger Sherman contribute to the creation of the Constitution?
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Roger Sherman was the author of the great compromise. Roger Sherman was the author of the great compromise.

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