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Paul's education prepared him to be an effective speaker and gave him the knowledge to use a particular group's own cultural background as a starting point to show how Jesus fit in with their philosophy. For example, his extensive knowledge of the Torah and rabbinical writings allowed him to argue that Jesus was the fulfillment of Messianic prophesies. His knowledge of Greek culture and philosophy allowed him to point out that Jesus was the ideal towards whom their philosophers had been striving, and that in fact the Greeks had already been worshipping Him as "the unknown God" ... they just hadn't known his name. Both of these strategies won converts. Read Acts chapter 17 for more details.

As usual mans pride shines through in is inability to understand that God did and does not need us to spread his word, It seems the smarter we think we are the dumber God knows we are. Pauls education is irrelevant. I heard a joke once about hillary and Clinton they pulled up to a gas station and the attendant once dated hillary. bill laughed at her and said wow just think where you would have happened if you would have married him and she laughed and said Ya He could have been president and you could have been pumping gas. Turn off your pride, He spoke this universe into existence, hello where were you little man.

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Q: How did Paul's education help him spread the Gospel?
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