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Nero did not kill Claudius. Suspicions that Claudius was murdered fell on his wife, Agrippina the Younger, Nero's mother. However, this appears to have been rumour and not all Roman writers agreed with it.

Seneca the younger, the famous Roman philosopher, said that Claudius died of natural causes. Josephus, the Roman-Jewish historian, mentioned rumours that he was poisoned. There are even discrepancies in the sources as to where he died, with Suetonius saying that Claudius died in Rome and Tacitus saying that he died in Sinuessa (near Naples). There are also different versions of the alleged murder. In one Claudius recovered and was poisoned again. In another he died slowly, after long suffering.

There are modern historians who doubt this allegation. Claudius may have simply died of illness or old age (he was 64 and life expectancy was lower in those days). Claudius had been seriously ill the year before. The alleged motivation was Agrippina's wish to have her son Nero succeed him.

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Nero was alleged to have killed his step brother by poison.

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