complications in childbirth. She died after giving birth to the third child to survive Lucy
There are pictures posted at the related links.
His wife was Martha Wales Skelton Jefferson ( (October 30 [O.S. October 19] 1748 - September 6, 1782) Her maiden name was Wales. She was a widow when she married Jefferson and Bathurst Skelton was her first husband.
Jefferson's wife was named Martha Wayles Skelton. He had 5 daughters who were named Martha, Jane, Mary, and two who were named Lucy. He also had a son, though he was never named.
Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801. His wife, Martha Jefferson died in 1782. She is considered first lady even though she never served.
Yes, Jefferson had a family. He had six children with his wife Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. She died giving birth to their sixth child. There is wide speculation that Jefferson had children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. DNA evidence published in 1998 has convinced many historians that at least one of Sally's children, if not all six, were Jefferson's.
she was rapied............
Martha Jefferson died on September 6th 1786.
Martha Jefferson was Thomas Jefferson's wife.
Yes. If not he would be very, very old.
Martha Jefferson Randolph was born on September 27, 1772.
Martha Jefferson Randolph was born on September 27, 1772.
Yes, Jefferson married Martha Jefferson who was his wife from 1772 until her death in 1782. They had 6 kids together.
Matha Jefferson's name was "Martha Wayles" before she was married.
doun't no
It is possible that Jefferson sought out Sally Hemings for relations after the passing of Martha Jefferson because he was lonely.
What prop did Martha have
Martha Jefferson was 33 years old when she died