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Julius Caesar was top dog in the Roman world at the time he entered Egypt. After the Alexandrian War, he established Cleopatra as queen along with her younger brother as co-ruler. Then Caesar and Cleo took that famous trip down the Nile. That was not a love fest, but a political statement. Caesar and his Roman troops were telling the Egyptian people that Cleopatra was the queen backed up by the force of Rome. That was how Cleopatra gained power.

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Q: How did Julius Caesar help Cleopatra gain power?
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What part of the empire did Julius Caesar gain his military experience before taking power?


What is the story between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.

How Did Julius Caesar Rule Come To An End?

Julius Caesar defeated Pompey the Great (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) and his lieutenants in the Civil War, who led the Senatorial forces. He then was appointed Dictator--but never actually considered Emperor in his lifetime. It was his adopted son, Augustus (Octavian, Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus) who became the first Emperor by gradually accumulating and holding offices that gave him the appearance of power to go along with his actual power (from control of the treasury and army). He had defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra (at Actium, 31 BCE) to gain undisputed control of the Roman World.

How did Julius Caesar gain control of Rome?

Julius Caesar gained control of Rome by winning the civil war with Pompey.

How were Octavian and Julius Caesar alike in what they wanted for Rome?

Both Octavian and Julius Caesar wanted a strong central government which could gain control over the provinces and end Rome's political and administrative disarray.

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How did Cleopatra get rule over Egypt?

Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.

What is the story between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.Cleopatra was a struggling queen of Egypt, who became Caesar's mistress in order to gain power.

How Did Julius Caesar Rule Come To An End?

Julius Caesar defeated Pompey the Great (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) and his lieutenants in the Civil War, who led the Senatorial forces. He then was appointed Dictator--but never actually considered Emperor in his lifetime. It was his adopted son, Augustus (Octavian, Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus) who became the first Emperor by gradually accumulating and holding offices that gave him the appearance of power to go along with his actual power (from control of the treasury and army). He had defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra (at Actium, 31 BCE) to gain undisputed control of the Roman World.

What challenges did Cleopatra overcome?

Cleopatra successfully fought for power aganist his brother Ptolemy XIII and her sister Arsinoe IV. She also tried, but failed, to overcome the power of Rome and the civil wars between the Romans. Julius Caesar reached Egypt in pursuit of his enemy Pompey. Ptolemy had Pompey killed and his head offered to Caesar. Horrified, Caesar allied with Cleopatra, who became his lover, and supported her in a civil war against her Ptolemy and Arsinoe. Caesar won. Ptolemy was killed in battle and Arsinoe was taken to Rome as a prisoner. She was then exiled to a sanctuary of Artemis in Turkey. Caesar won the war for Cleopatra. After Caesar's death, Mac Antony took charge of the Roman territories in the Eastern Mediterranean. Cleopatra became his lover. She got Mac Antony to kill Arsinoe. Marc Antony partitioned the eastern Mediterranean giving partS of it to Cleopatra, the three sons she had with him and the son she had had with Caesar. However, Octavian (later called Augustus) declared war on Cleopatra as an excuse to fight Mac Antony to gain sole power in Rome. Octavian defeated them in a naval battle and landed in Egypt. He overcome their forces and Marc Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide.

Why do you think Cleopatra was attracted to Caesar?

she actually was not attracted to him but she used him as a way to gain back her power after her older brother forced out of the throne.he fell in love with her and she got her power back.all are happy

How did mark Antony gain power?

Marc Antony came into power through Juliius Caesar. He was Caesar's quaestor in the army, was a tribune in Rome, was Caesar's Master of the Horse, (the ruler of Rome when the dictator was away) and was a counsul along with Caesar when Caesar was killed. He then became a member of the second triumvirate and took the eastern part of the empire for his domain. With his alliances with Cleopatra he became the behind-the-scenes power in Egypt while still holding the power of the triumvirate.

Did Cleopatra roll herself in a rug for Caesar?

Maybe is the best answer to your question.It is said that Cleopatra had herself rolled in a rug to gain access to Caesar by some sources, while other sources say she was in a laundry bag.

How is Cassius corrupted by power in Julius Caesar?

- he uses Brutus who is his friend to gain power bc/ he know that many people like Brutus - he accepted bribes from people - he wanted more power bc/ power is addicting. he was already so powerful but he wanted more, he thought caesar was not a good leader

Is the story about Cleopatra self in a carpet true?

There is no historical evidence to support the theory that Cleopatra smuggled herself into Julius Caesar's palace in a rug or carpet to seduce him. This is likely a romanticized myth that has been perpetuated over time.

What gift did king Ptolemy of Egypt give to Julius Caesar and what was the gift?

King Ptolemy of Egypt gave Julius Caesar the head and signet ring of his rival, Pompey the Great, as a gift. This was a gesture to gain Caesar's favor and support during the civil war between Caesar and Pompey.

How did Julius Caesar gain control of Rome?

Julius Caesar gained control of Rome by winning the civil war with Pompey.