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Answer 1

It spread because they conquered lands which able them to spread the word

Answer 2

Islam was not spread by war as some claim. War in Islam is waged just for defense and for lifting up oppression on some peoples to allow them to practice their own faiths at their own free choice. Islam was spread due to its logistics and simplicity and due to authenticity of Muslim Qur'an holy book, due to Islam good morals, and due to prophet Muhammad good characters and morals. Refer to questions below.

Answer 3

Islam was also a political force, i.e the Islamic Caliphates. The armies of these Caliphates were also fighting an expansionary war for territory just as every other empire did in those days. The call to "convert or die" was very rare, but when countries were annexed to the Caliphates, many citizens did convert either because they saw the Truth of the religion or to gain from the tax, work-related, and legal benefits that came from conversion. It was also easier for Imams and other parts of Islamic culture to reach individuals in Islamic States then outside of them due to simple proximity issues as well as religious intolerance in non-Muslim areas. Islam did not gain anything in particular from treaties.

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No, Islam didn't spread because of military conquest. The Islamic military army was mainly to defend Muslims and to defend their lands and properties. One can find that the majority of Muslims are in areas never invaded by Muslim armies as in Indonesia, Malaysia, China, and other places. Islam was spread due to its authenticity and truthfulness, good Islam morals, divinity of Quran, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) honest and trustworthiness.

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