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The Hittites were one of these Indo-European peoples. They rode two-wheeled chariots and used iron weapons to conquer anatolia.The hittites adopted many features of the culture that had grown in mesopotamia before they arrived.Their lows, for instance , were less harsh then the code of hammurabi.The hittites ruled their southwest Asian empire from about 2000 to 1190 B.c

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Because some of them are unknown and diffirent from thier known cultures

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That's right!

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Because some of them are unknown and diffirent from thier known cultures

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Q: How did Hittites react to other cultures they found in Mesopotamia?
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When did the hittites push into Mesopotamia?

The Hittites had originally filtered into Asia Minor sometime before 2000 BC. That's all I know about this particular area, but there may be other information out there. :D

Did Mesopotamia influence other cultures?

Mesopotamia was not a country. It was an is the region between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The first cultures that lived there definitely influnced every other culture, seeing as it was the place civilization began.

What effect did the invention of cuneiform writing have other cultures in mesopotamia?

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How did trade affect the development of Mesopotamia?

It allowethis allowed the civilizations to grow because they began to take in other cultures food, religion, ethics etc.

How did Hittites introduce a new age of technology?

The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the Iron Age. The Hittites were pushed out of Asia Minor all the way to Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia, they learned how to extract or pull out iron from ore. They would heat the iron ore and pound out the impurities right before they would stick it in a pool of cold water. They weapons were harder, lighter, (which made them faster) and stronger than any of the other tools or weapons made out of bronze and copper. They made tons of Money off this until their empire collapsed in 1200 BC. When it did, all the iron creators or "ironsmiths" went to other parts of the world and made iron there. So this is what created the Iron Age.The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the

How did the hittites introduce a new age of technology?

The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the Iron Age. The Hittites were pushed out of Asia Minor all the way to Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia, they learned how to extract or pull out iron from ore. They would heat the iron ore and pound out the impurities right before they would stick it in a pool of cold water. They weapons were harder, lighter, (which made them faster) and stronger than any of the other tools or weapons made out of bronze and copper. They made tons of Money off this until their empire collapsed in 1200 BC. When it did, all the iron creators or "ironsmiths" went to other parts of the world and made iron there. So this is what created the Iron Age.The Hittites brought new skills to the region. They basically created the

What is a mountain chain in mesopotamia?

Well i found out that there were two. One is the Taurus and the other one is the Zagros. I hope you found what you were looking for :)

What are the origins of the Phoenician people?

They moved into the eastern Mediterranean from beyond Mesopotamia. Nothing else is known, other than they had a unique culture which did not match the cultures then present in the east.

What are ziggurots?

Ziggurats were ancient temples built in and around ancient Mesopotamia. They were used by Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians for religious purposes. (some other cultures used them as well)

Who conquered the Hittites?

The Hittite were a group of people in Anatolia who founded an empire around 1600 BCE. The empire reached its height in the 14th century BCE where it encompassed the majority of Asia Minor, the Levant, and parts of Mesopotamia. The rise of the Hittite Empire eventually brought them into conflict with other powers in the region, namely the Egyptian and Assyrian empires. Conflict with the Egyptians weakened the Hittites, who had to fight against encroachment by the Assyrians in Mesopotamia. Eventually, through the expansion of the Assyrians and the "Sea Peoples" taking over the coast of the Levant, the Hittite Empire collapsed.

What are all the products the hittite trade?

Yes, The cultural achievement for which the Hittites are best known is the development of iron technology. Iron is a metal that is extracted from ore. The Anatolia region is rich in iron ore. The Hittites used this natural resource to make tools and weapons. Iron was superior to the bronze that was used by other cultures because it was much stronger and more durable.

What did Mesopotamia conquer?

it wasn't Mesopotamia that conquered anything, but rather other people conquered Mesopotamia.