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He had an impact on the world because if he didn't discover parts of new york people wouldn't know about it. He also discovered hudson strait, hudson river, and hudson bay. which are named after him, OBVIOUSLY!

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Q: How did Henry Hudson have an impact on the world?
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What impact did Henry Hudson have on your world?


How did Henry Hudson have a great impact on the world?

Henry Hudson discovered what is now New York.

What impact did Henry Hudson have on the findings of the world?

henry found butts

What did Henry Hudson do to impact the world?

He inspired many people.

What is Henry Hudson's impact?

The Hudson river

How did Henry Hudson accomplishments impact the world today?

it impacted the world because henry hgad gfgg g

When did Henry Hudson sail to the New World?

Henry Hudson sailed to the new world on 1607 and 1611 Henry Hudson sailed to the new world on 1607 and 1611 Henry Hudson sailed to the new world on 1607 and 1611

What was Henry Hudson's destination?

The northwest passage and the new world

What was Henry Hudson's biggest accomplishment?

Henry Hudson was the first European to sail up the Hudson River.

What was Henry Hudson main achievement?

Henry Hudson's main achievement in his lifetime was the discovery of Hudson Bay. He explored and surveyed everything in Hudson, the largest bay in Canada, and the world.

What was the life of Henry Hudson like?

Henry Hudson's life was all about exploring thee world and discovering new things

Did Henry Hudson make an impact on his country?

some other tribes destroyed his homeland