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As an important figure in the abolition of Slavery the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity made him an Honorary Member even after his death.

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Q: How did Frederick Douglass become an Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity member since he died in 1885 before the fraternity was founded in 1906?
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How did Frederick Douglass become the leader of the civil rights movement?

Frederick Douglass became a leader in 1968.He was one of the most brave men.

When did Frederick Douglass become a slave?

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey as this was given name, was born into slavery, in the year 1818. Latter in life after becoming married he adopted the name Frederick Douglass.

How did Frederick Douglass become African American?

His parents were African American.

Did William garrison influence Frederick Douglass?

Yes,William Lloyd Garrison influenced Fredrick Douglass to become an abolitionist,

Was Frederick Douglass a freed slave or a run away slave?

Frederick Douglass was a freed slave. He escaped slavery and went on to become a prominent abolitionist, writer, and speaker.

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His life was about being an abolitionist and trying to become a free slave and trying to free slaves.

How Frederick Douglass become famous?

He was famous for his speeches, and his determination to help African Americans rights, and women's rights.

To what city did Douglass escape and become a free man?

Frederick Douglass was an African-American social reformer and abolitionist. He escaped from slavery to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and became a free man.

When did Frederick Douglass become an abolitionist?

After escaping slavery in 1838, Frederick Douglass settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts and attended a church that sponsored abolitionist speakers. After hearing a speech by William Lloyd Garrison in 1841, Douglass became involved in the movement to outlaw slavery in the United States.

Was Frederick Douglass nominated for vice president of the US?

Did Fredrick Douglass become Vice President

What was important about Frederick Douglass and the abolitionist movement?

Because he showed how African Americans can do anything a white person can do and we have rights, we are people too and we can do something and become who we want to become!

What is Douglass known for?

Frederick Douglass is known for several things. First, he was a former slave who went on to become a famous abolitionist. He also met with President Lincoln, and helped start the North Star newspaper.