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Francis Bacon invented the Scientific Method, that means he made steps on how to execute the perfect science experiment, by having a hypothenuse, process and observations and other steps (look them up) he made scientist really think hard about their work, and he made sure that the scientist showed logic, and laws in their work so they couldn't just say "oh because God makes it that way" or "By the act of God the flowers grow!" they had to support evidence, so to say. Hope that helps!

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Q: How did Francis Bacon change the world with his invention?
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How did sir Francis Bacon change the way people thought about the world?

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How did Francis Bacon influence the way europeans thought about science?

Answer this question… By emphasizing the importance of observation and experimentation in understanding the natural world

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The person you are referring to is Francis Bacon. He was an English philosopher, statesman, and scientist who promoted the idea of empirical research and the scientific method. Bacon's works, such as "Novum Organum," advocated for an experimental approach to understanding the natural world, laying the foundation for modern scientific inquiry.