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Ferdinand discovered Philippines in the 16th century. For a reason Ferdinand was just lost until he and his forces arrived in dry land on what is n ow named the Philippines.

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Q: How did Ferdinand Magellan discover the Philippines?
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How did Magellan discover Philippines?

Ferdinand discovered Philippines in the 16th century. For a reason Ferdinand was just lost until he and his forces arrived in dry land on what is n ow named the Philippines.

What year did discover phlipines?

The Philippines was discovered by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 during his expedition to the Spice Islands.

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What part of Canada did Magellan discover?

Ferdinand Magellan did not discover any part of Canada

Why did Ferdinand Magellan stop at the Philippines?

Ferdinand Magellan stopped at the Phillipens because he was in war.

What new land did Ferdinand Magellan discover?

He discovered the Philippines. He also named the Pacific Ocean and he named a strait after himself.

Who Occupied The Philippines?

Ferdinand Magellan

How many battles did Ferdinand Magellan have?

Ferdinand Magellan had a main battle which wads in the Philippines and died their by them.

What was Ferdinand Magellan tragedies?

He was killed in the Philippines.

Who is the discoverer who found the Philippines?

Ferdinand Magellan

What country did Ferdinand Magellan explore in?

The Philippines

What lands Ferdinand Magellan claimed?
